Quarrelin' Hardy

Maybe they should have paired Apollo Crews up with him instead of Titus O'Neil?

I just started watching it on Netflix too, and I'm loving the couple episodes I've seen. It really is the sports-entertainment WWE claims to be, but with an overall better match quality per show.

I didn't even know that this show had started yet.

There's no such thing as a minor in anything Steiner. All majors all the time!

That's the thing though, she was improving as a heel in NXT, but once she was brought up to the main roster by herself, she really took hold of the "brass ring," as Vince likes to put it, and has improved by leaps and bounds. I'm very impressed by it.

I personally got a big laugh out of how tiny the dumpster was compared to Braun when he was in it. He barely fit!

They stopped advertising it as such last week, I believe.

She's been the surprise MVP of the main roster. She really stepped it up ever since she got the call-up.

Dana Brooke is still nowhere near ready for the main roster. That match last night was embarrassing.

It reminds me more of what the Great Muta looks like now than Rey Mysterio. Or at least some sort of combination of the two.

Kevin Dunn needs to go.

I never had a problem with Bayley's promos either. She's a little awkward at times, but that works with her character and personality.

Maybe because he likes to screw with the audience, or because sometimes his movies can get a little mean. But I agree, I've never heard anything about him being an asshole or anything, and he is someone who I will always watch a movie from.

Oh man, the ending to Miike's Dead or Alive was the thing that sold him to me for life. I can imagine that a lot of people hate how "out of nowhere" the ending is, but I loved the sheer audaciousness of it.

Kefka always struck me as Final Fantasy Joker.

I liked it because it was simple. It got rid of a lot of the frustrating bits of sim games, and the sidescrolling levels helped mixed it up. The sequel definitely suffered from dropping the sim aspect.

I guess I don't view it that way. The plot was pretty straight up "Satan is doing bad things to the land, God fights him," which really doesn't seem outwardly offensive. It's pretty standard issue stuff, with some Nintendo-mandated terminology edits in the US.

Good list, but dare I ask what the "offensive" themes of Actraiser are? I played the game again through late last year, and I don't recall anything offensive.

Is a cheese dick what I think it is?

The WWE is no stranger at attempting to force things that are not organically developing on their own.