Quarrelin' Hardy

Full Throttle was rad, and I haven't played it in ages. Perhaps I should get to downloading…

True, but I think if they didn't portray the show as a complete afterthought, some of that response could carry over to the main crowds, too.

I'm getting a feeling that they may be prepping Charlotte for a confidant and cocky face turn, similar to AJ Styles. They made a point of showing the other heel women uniting against her last night, and Becky wasn't involved in that group at all.

Honestly, I have more a problem with it because a wrestler should know how to throw a punch or an elbow without actually knocking someone out. It seems like a basic level skill they should have.

I also think they need to start making 205 Live actually share the presentation and feel of the CWC shows. It worked better when they made it feel special and distinct.

I don't understand. I really don't. Jinder Mahal goes from stiffing Finn and nearly putting a huge bankable star back on the shelf right after Finn returned from injury, had his most recent feud against Gronk's Friend Mojo Rawley of all people, but give him a title shot and have him deliver the old outdated evil

I saw some videos earlier this year of his headbutts and they just sounded disgusting. I was not surprised in the slightest when the news came out that he pretty much ruined his career and nearly killed himself doing them. Somebody should have told him to knock it off before it got to that point.

The gamer gimmick would work if it was someone like Xavier Woods with it, but nothing TJ Perkins has done really sells it. I really like the theme music, though.

Nearly killing Tyson Kidd with it probably put it on the banned list once he came to the main roster. I know he still used it in NXT after that incident, but I'm honestly surprised they let him.

I wish they would. The Miz has more than earned it by this point.

The rumor going around is that WWE is trying to help resolve the legal issues with Anthem Sports and Impact Wrestling ASAP so they can use the Broken gimmick, since they think the nostalgia of seeing "Team Xtreme" Hardy Boyz is only going to have so much shelf life.

I actually kind of like his music because it sounds like something out of Kaiju movie, and associating Samoa Joe with a city-leveling monster makes sense to me.

A huge chunk of the fans who regularly watch wrestling hate Roman Reigns. People behind the scenes really like the guy, and think they can make him popular, because they have faith he can pull it off. Vince McMahon is famously stubborn, and apparently views people booing Roman as a challenge to overcome, so he won't

I'm surprised they haven't had the ring announcer introduce him as "Gronk's Friend, Mojo Rawley" before matches yet.

Me too. I used to sit through the credits on movies whenever I could simply out of respect more than anything. I know the people can't see me watching the credits, but if I liked the movie at all, I can't help but feel like I should stick around. Adding credit sequences like that just made it more fun for me.

Did you know he's friends with Gronk?!

I do think it's strange that they just plucked them out of Smackdown and just kept them feuding against each other, though. You would think they would each start new feuds since they just got moved to a new roster full of new options.

All while a "Halloween Sounds" CD is played over the arena's PA system.

I stopped by a walk-in clinic one day because I had a terrible cold that kept getting worse, and the doctor there determined that I had a sinus infection and wrote me a prescription for fucking Oxy, among other things. For a sinus infection! My wife and I were both stunned how easily he just handed it out. I took one

Occasionally someone in a scary clown costume will pop out behind the barricade and scream.