Quarrelin' Hardy

The Big Show is in the best shape of his life, and Braun Strowman is finally a big man wrestler I can believe in. That final spot with the ring exploding made me cackle with glee, even if they had done it a couple times before in the past. It's not surprising, but it's a massive shame that they will most likely feed

Where can I pre-order a jersey?

They are all silently judging me for my junk food choices.

It'll go over the top before it's through.

I still loved the fact that Snake had full CODEC calls about every single character in the game. I spent a good hour or so just doing that.

That… That was awful… They just didn't shut up and were so obnoxious… The old show and Rifftrax at least let a line sink in. This sounds like a bunch of hacks trying to force all their material in as fast as possible. I hope the rest of the show isn't like this.

Eh. I thought the game had plenty of great moments.

For me it was probably the Space Harrier level in Bayonetta, complete with her saying "Welcome to my fantasy zone" before launching into basically a remake of a level of the arcade game, complete with remixed theme music. I'm a sucker for Sega's classic arcade games, and Space Harrier is one of my favorites to play if

I only played Banjo-Kazooie for the first time last year because of the Rare RePlay collection.

Well then, so I guess he wasn't lying about being ignorant about World War 2.

My new home has a finished attic space we plan on using as a game room, and my wife is insisting that when we move in that we should put our couch up there. I dread this moment with every fiber of my being.

I made the terrible mistake of filling what was considered a "medium" sized box with books. I just about threw out my back trying to pick it up.

Thank you! I couldn't help but think the same thing. It's so amateurish looking.

Same here. Thankfully, most of the annoying wrapping and packing is done at this point. It's mostly just leftovers and heavy stuff now.

I found that a good way to deal with some of the repetitiveness of 9S's hacking is to add some powerful "Combust" chips to his chip set. This can add a lot of explosive damage when you successfully hack a machine, and it can kill off a bunch of the weaker ones real fast. It helps reduce how often you need to do it

I hope this marriage continues and produces many beautiful and weird children.

I hope you have fun in my multiplayer session of Moving Out! Can You Believe I Sold My Townhouse?!

I can safely say that Persona 5 is the only game I would be willing to hang a framed picture of its menu system on my wall. It's so slick.

Puyo Puyo Tetris is a ton of fun. I have a friend who imported the PS4 version a while back, and I really love what I played of it. They did a great job mashing two mechanically different puzzle games in a really fun way. I'll definitely snag a copy when I finally can get a Switch.

I tried going back and playing the original DKC when I was loading games to the Retro Freak console, and I don't really think it holds up that well. The wow factor of the graphics is completely gone, since in general mid-90's CG graphics look really ugly now, and the level design is more frustrating than anything.