Quarrelin' Hardy

I'm playing Moving Out! Can You Believe I Sold My Townhouse?! this weekend. The "moving heavy furniture" sections remind me of the forklift segments of Shenmue, but with a U-Haul instead of a forklift.

Seriously. My sister-in-law bought one for her 4 year old. I can't imagine someone like her having any idea how to setup (or any desire to learn how to setup) an emulation machine when she can just plug a cute little system into her TV with one cord and her daughter can just jump right in and play Mario 3.

I had heard if that. Some of the changes were obvious (the man-eating plant in the first level was even more similar to Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors), but the original prototype had some pretty blatant Planet of the Apes and Gremlins references that were either outright removed or really toned down.

I think we should stop trying to answer this existential question of theirs.

I knew this one guy at the local flea market who just had box after box of old games sitting in his dirty booth full of broken toys, and I took super advantage of that guy because he just didn't pay attention. I would get stacks of games for $20 bucks each time I went, and got some pretty good finds from him.

Some of the shittier ones are more expensive at this point. Thanks, YouTube!

I need both Bayonetta's dammit!

I would be confused on why I couldn't hook a system with an HDMI port on it to my TV that required an RF adapter then I would get sad.

I answered that question. Nintendo hasn't made cross platform purchases available for some reason (more money), but the official emulation they use is titled Virtual Console.

I personally recommend the Retro Freak if a multi-console is up your ally. It's a Japanese multi-console with HDMI out and supports all the same systems as the Retron 5, but also supports TurboGrafx-16 & PC Engine games out of the box, which the Retron 5 doesn't do. It also has an adapter available that allows it to

In all fairness, Monster Party is pretty underrated.

Yeah, I collect old games and the magic era where you could get most NES games for $10 or less are long since gone.

I know, but us wrestling fans would still appreciate it! Besides, WCW is all WWE owned IP now!

Halloween Havoc.

Officially emulated NES/SNES/Gameboy/etc games that are available for purchase and download for their systems. They starting doing it in the Wii days, and every system they've made since has had it in some form.

Holy shit. I had to look that up to confirm he actually said that. Good riddance to that dude.

Some guys have told stories about how Smith liked to pull ribs by doing stuff like shitting in people's food. There's been similar stories about other wrestlers doing the same with people's gym bags. Who knows how true they are, but I wouldn't put it past some of the weird old-school types.

I'd be willing to bet that the Davey Boy Smith pooped on a title belt at some point. Seriously, the stories of his "ribs" are pretty gross.

I'm all fairness, I'd bet that title belts have ended up coming into contact with worse things over the years, especially in the 70's through mid-90's.

Not to get all crazy and say that Ember Moon is the next Undertaker or anything, but I do see your point. Undertaker was great because of his presence and look, but his promos really weren't anything special. There's a reason he had Paul Bearer do most of the talking for ages.