Quarrelin' Hardy

Knowing the way Vince has been making decisions lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they were deciding this stuff right up until the debuts are made. Seriously, Smackdown just setup up that House of Horrors match for their next PPV between Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton, but they went ahead and moved Bray to Raw. Is that

I learned how insidious unboxing videos actually are when my sister-in-law and my (at the time) 3 year old niece were staying with us during a semi-annual visit. Since my niece was only 3, and was in an unfamiliar place, she would get antsy a lot and start trouble. My sister-in-law got into a habit of getting her to

There's no man under that suit. That's 100% pure Sea Monster.

Poor Emma.

Speaking of Punk, it didn't help Roman Reigns one bit when Punk, after he was done with the WWE and starting talking about his falling out, revealed that Reigns was never supposed to be in the Shield in the first place. His spot was originally supposed to go to Chris Hero (NXT's Kassius Ohno), but apparently Vince

Joey Styles, of all people, took out JBL. I would have killed to see that.

My cardio-boxing classes have Superman punches as part of their routine. Congratulations, Roman, your big finisher is the same thing I see the older ladies in my class do regularly.

I for one am glad they're putting Otunga on RAW, so I can safely watch Smackdown shows without Otunga ruining the commentary.

Cinematic Titanic was fun live, but the few DVD/streaming releases they did were abysmal.

Now I'm even more disappointed Jonah Ray ended up the host.

This looks incredible, and I'm super excited that we're getting this the same year as Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Spider-Man Homecoming. Marvel Studios has a really fun and colorful year ahead.

Sometimes though, dank is used ironically and does mean what you thought it means.

Halo also was the title that pretty much defined FPS design on consoles for years to come after its release, especially in terms of controls and AI. Most titles were still trying to imitate GoldenEye at the time, and Halo changed that pretty substantially.

I simply don't agree with that. Resident Evil was just as inspired by Capcom's own Sweet Home, which predated Alone in the Dark by several years. It defined a video game term in "Survival Horror" that is still used to describe a certain subsection of games, it presented a control scheme, that as relatively clunky as

I would say that Tomb Raider belongs because it was a major series that helped define what 3D platformers were like (not as much as Mario 64, but still) and introduced one of the most iconic female leads of all time, and Resident Evil defined how horror games were made for a good solid decade at the very least.

Every single one of those games should be in. I'm not sure why they only pick 6.

I finished another play through last night, and got ending D. I missed a weapon mid-route, and I used the chapter select this morning to jump to a point to get it, then I'm considering just jumping to the branching point to get ending C. After that, I'll probably just mess around and do whatever I need to do to get

Keep at it. The shit really hits the fan in route C/D, and you'll have a whole new storyline to play, with new areas. Once you get one of those endings, you also unlock a chapter select that lets you skip to wherever the hell you feel like in the story.

There are definitely some people who do think that, and ask why Wolverine's not in the Avengers or whatever; There's also people who probably didn't see the Amazing Spider-Man movies, but would go see this one because they really like the Avengers, and some of those guys are in this one, so the approach to the trailer

Seriously, all that will end up doing is hurting any goodwill they build from the MCU Spider-Man movies, and most likely cause a lot of audience confusion.