Quarrelin' Hardy

I think they're just really trying hard to sell to people that don't pay much attention to these things that this one takes place in the MCU, so they're showing as many MCU references as they can in the trailers.

He's already trying to spin it as being the Democrats' fault somehow.

In more ways than one!

I'm a little surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Swingers yet.

You should throw on one of those "15 hours of videos for cats!" videos when you go to work or something. Your YouTube video recommendations will turn into nothing but HD video of birds and squirrels for a few months. That's what happened to me!

Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda game, followed very closely by A Link to the Past.

Glad you're enjoying the game! It's brilliant and does a wonderful job of taking the good stuff from the original and expanding and improving upon it greatly. I'm getting to the tail end of route B, so trust me on this, you have many more surprises to come.

The Battletoads Arcade game is the best Battletoads. It's almost entirely beat-em-up levels, and there's at one enemy type you fight by almost exclusively punching it in the balls.

Rifftrax gets the rights to some movies that you can buy, so you don't have to deal with syncing, or for their live shows.They mostly get older stuff like you would see on MST3K, but sometimes they get stuff like Super Mario Bros, The Wizard, and Sharknado. I've bought a ton of them. They don't need to bother with the

Hey, don't steal his catchphrase!

I, for one, would like to see some games experiment with controls again, since it seems like game developers have settled on a default control scheme and apply it to nearly everything. While I get that this does lower the barrier of entry, I do feel that we see a less risky ideas because of it.

Kid Icarus Uprising has a similar system too, where you bet your hearts to play at higher difficulties, earning better bonuses and secret treasures.

My thing is Rotten Tomatoes is that too many people judge the quality of the movie by the percentage score and not by the average rating. It is my understanding that anything above their 5/10 average is considered a fresh review, and anything below that is considered rotten. It is possible for a movie to get a lot of

Pod People is a good one, too.

Between this and the Death Note trailer, today is the day of stuff I really love being remade in ways that make me care about them a lot less.

That sleeve art is so rad, but I just don't have the cash for this right now, and it'll be gone fast. Cool, though!

For me, I think the match is going to turn out OK, because AJ Styles is just so incredibly good, and he will make Shane look great. However, the idea that this is the best possible use of AJ Styles at Wrestlemania is what bugs me more than anything. When a show already has too many part-timers as it is (Brock Lesnar

I usually don't come away from Ultimate Thrill-Rides feeling really disappointed Roman Reigns won. Again.

Hate to say it, but I'm skipping Wrestlemania this year. Part of that is because I'm going to be busy that Sunday, and part of that is that the card just sucks this year. After a miserable Wrestlemania last year, I don't really feel up to sitting through 7 hours of that. I'll just watch the NXT Takeover show when I

I prefer this version.