Quarrelin' Hardy

Seriously, some of these things are just plain old internet memes that have been kicking around for a long time. And since when was Discord an alt-right thing? I use it to discuss a project I'm working on, and we're all a bunch of lefties.

I wonder how his new career complaining about Cena and Punk via podcast is doing for him?

I hope for the love of all that is holy that if Asuka ever gets brought up to the main roster, it's to Smackdown. The creative team on Raw would probably have her lose a match to Stephanie McMahon on her first PPV.

I'm willing to bet Gentleman Jack could legitimately take most of the roster in a real fight.

Just for those who haven't seen it, here's Jack Gallagher choking a dude out.

The series that was based on Ultima and Wizardry?

NES era RPGs are really hard to revisit for that reason.

Well, they killed Shredder in the first issue of TMNT ever, and they seemed to find more stories to work with after that.

Oh boy, superhero movie fans are now making the mistake that comic book fans made a long time ago! Putting swearing, nudity, and blood in a superhero story doesn't automatically make it better. Sometimes it does, but a lot of times it's just not that good of an idea.

The Belko Experiment.

He said a lot of really racist things about Seal, equating him with African native stereotypes, talking about him boiling white explorers or some bullshit like that.

I can't wait for the scene where Xavier nostalgically mentions the time he scored four touchdowns in a single game for the millionth time.

TNA's trying to claim they actually own the Broken Matt Hardy character, but who knows if they have enough organization to actually do anything about it legally. Their legal team obviously has no idea how to negotiate contracts properly, let alone a copyright infringement suit.

The Hardys just recently closed down their own personal online merchandise store, saying that Reby's too busy to run it while pregnant, but the rumor is that it really was shut down because they may already have a WWE deal ready to go. We'll see.

Asuka's working a bunch of Smackdown live events in March, so I'm guessing if she does come up, she's probably going to the Blue brand and won't need to involved in bad angles with Stephanie McMahon. Here's hoping.

Steve Miller. As far as I know, it already is.

I don't know. I pay so little attention to the PC gaming market I have no idea. I only know that the only console it's coming to is the PS4, so as far as I knew, it was a PS4 console exclusive.

NieR Automata is a system exclusive!

Meanwhile, I'm putting off both the Switch and Horizon: Zero Dawn to get NieR Automata, because I'm a weirdo.

I like this business plan.