Quarrelin' Hardy

Not fast enough.

Totally agree. I hate using a communal bathroom with other people, I prefer the privacy. Make them single-person lockable rooms that anyone can use.

When does all of the Trump Administration merge together into one robot centipede, and how soon can we kill it with plasma swords?

At once?

I feel so bad for Tyler. His NXT run was so well done, and he seemed like he was being groomed to be the next Shawn Michaels. Then this happened.

Seriously, buy the Art of Atari book. It's amazing and full of tons more of their brilliant box art.

Crow's arms look huge. He must have been hitting the gym.

The current blind-bag line of Lego Minifigs is Lego Batman. A lot of them are variations of Batman (including Batman cosplaying as Wolverine, of all things!), and it does have some C-List villains in it, like Orca.

OH WOW, I remember the editor A Link to the Past.

Aw man, this bums me out. George "The Animal" Steele was one of my favorites as a kid. He was also great in Ed Wood as Tor Johnson. At least he got to live to 79, when many other wrestlers pass away too young. He will be missed.

Is it too much to hope?

I like Zelda 2. I don't care what anyone says. I replayed it about a year or two ago too. Still not a bad game.

The fact that I had to repeat the "shoot the bombs at the ice monster" sequence three times, and each part of it has two concurrent time limits you need to abide by was so frustrating to me.

I'm in the middle of trying to sell my home, so my game time is still limited, but when I do get a chance to play, I'm bouncing between Final Fantasy XV and diving back into Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.

Coincidentally, if you still have a PS3 or a PS2 kicking around, Sega just recently reprinted the entire Yakuza series (with the exception of 5, as that never got a disc release).

I took it, used a fake email, gave no money, and put wise-ass and really mean-spirited answers wherever I could when a simple "no" wouldn't suffice. It probably won't count.

Same here. If anything, business is more corrupt than government. Most corrupt politicians do what they do to appease their business interests anyway.

He was.

I just read that, and struggled to get through it. He is so incredibly in over his head and it sounds like he's losing it already.

I just had that happen to me with the Lanky Kong "Elephantitus" one.