Quarrelin' Hardy

I'll miss you, Miiverse. I don't care what anyone else says, you were a beautiful and odd beast.

What bums me out about it the most is that his run against the Miz turned out some really great matches and was a lot of fun to watch. It seemed like they were finally gaining some clarity on how to use Ziggler. Then this heel turn happened, and he's fighting Apollo Crews, who has so little character as this point,

Wrestling is always treated like a second-class act. It has trouble attracting advertisers despite WWE being one of the most consistently performing acts on cable for decades. It's probably the same dismissal of it rearing its ugly head again.

This one was, but yesterday's RAW review was really slim in comparison.

Last year's Wrestlemania was really hurt by so many heels going over on what should be a feel-good show. It's Wrestlemania, you want to leave the show feeling good! I'm afraid they're going to blow it and have Charlotte go over again to keep that lame "PPV streak" thing going that doesn't really mean much.

The "What" chants are the worst thing ever. Its time is over, let it go. I'm starting to feel that way about the "10" chants too. It's perfectly fine when Tye Dillinger is out there, and a lot of fun to take part in for his matches, but it's so obnoxious everywhere else.

Even in wrestling, Trump can't really sell for shit.


If they must do a Shane/AJ Styles match, have Shane put his "ownership" of Smackdown on the line and lose. I'd be OK with Styles literally being the face that runs the place for awhile.

That guy did!

Poor Gallows and Anderson. They really got neutered on RAW with constantly losing to New Day.

They expected that the audience watched NXT already and knew who they were, so they got lazy with the storytelling. A lot of the audience does watch NXT, so it's not necessary to repeat NXT stories beat-for-beat, but yes, it is absolutely necessary for them to do at least some storytelling to get them over with those

It's always seems to be coupled with pants that are too high.

Don't forget online multiplayer with random unlocks and micro-transactions!

I don't trust the Trump Administration to be smart enough to realize they should replace the handler after his photo came out. They probably thought it was nice publicity or something.

I don't trust the WWE to be smart enough to do that. Especially after last year.

The AV Club seriously needs separate political and food websites. Hell, I'd even take a sports site if that means wrestling would continue to get full coverage there.

I don't really think that makes it any better. I'm as flabbergasted by the complete incompetence of the Trump administration as anyone, but even if this guy is a dummy handler or not, I still feel like we're jeopardizing that dude's safety the more that picture and post gets retweeted.

Am I the only one that thinks we shouldn't be sharing that guy's selfie with the football handler, even if we are doing it out of disbelief? It seems like we're putting that guy's life at risk with every share.

It's a pretty great satire of where Batman is at as a character right now, but done with obvious love of the character overall. Also, it's probably the closest we'll ever get to getting a Batman: The Brave and the Bold movie.