Quarrelin' Hardy

Steiner Math. No sympy for those that can't figure out the numbers!

Last year's Royal Rumble gave us AJ Styles, so that automatically makes it score some points for me.

I think there is less than a 66 2/3% chance of that happening.

I'm of the opinion the Royal Rumble really should have had Seth Rollins work his way into the namesake match despite being banned from the building, and Samoa Joe should have debuted in the match itself, moving this story forward before Raw. While I did enjoy the Rumble, I definitely had a lower opinion of it than

Personally, I'm not a fan of either of them.

Ain't nothing wrong with some One Piece. With 380 millions copies sold worldwide, you have to assume some of those were bought by awesome One Piece loving adults.

It definitely comes off as a homage.

My game time is plummeting at the moment as I try to prep my townhouse for the market so my wife and I can move to a bigger place. A lot of my games are packed up and in a friend's garage because of it. I'm also on a bit of a spending freeze to ensure we have some extra cash when we do move, so I haven't been able to

There's that one dude that I know of that came in here recently and admitted he gives every episode an F simply because he doesn't like wrestling coverage, so that's probably the case.

I enjoyed the demo, but I do find myself somewhat disappointed that they switched to first-person view. It feels like most horror games default to first-person now. I really think there was something to be said for the very specific camera choices classic Resident Evil/Silent Hill used to invoke fear.

Kill the arts and kill the news, to keep people from creative critical thinking and being informed. Sounds about right for this new administration. Plus, on a less serious note, I bet this means NPR is going to need to do a lot more pledge drives, which are always annoying to listen to.

I had a friend who visited Japan on his honeymoon and got a bread roll with some fruit filling that he really enjoyed. He tried to buy the same one the next day, but because of his limited ability to read Japanese, accidentally bought a roll filled with squid ink. It was quick the shock for him!

Zod before kneel.

Kneel before Zod.

I care very deeply about art. It's one of my loves of my life, and it takes many forms. That includes painting, drawing, film, books, comics, animation, and games, regardless of their country of origin. I do indeed have a deep relationship with a lot of different forms of art, I do care a lot when I feel people are

Sounds like a rad party to me!

Personally, I like that kind of ending. I like the idea that a group of people can work together to solve problems. A lot of that storytelling approach most likely comes from Japan's general cultural view that collective action is more important than the individual. You see a lot of that in Japanese pop-culture in

Yes, I will be concerned about the details used, as anime is not a genre, but a medium. I would never call "video game" or "live action" a genre in and of itself. Anime is simply animation for Japan, and contains as many varying forms as the animation medium can take. And yes, I do view shitting on anime as a whole,

Things can be two things. I think it's silly to dismiss an entire medium (anime is not a genre), but I find some of the trashing of anime as dismissive of Japanese culture in general, which at times can give off a vaguely racist vibe.

Satoshi Kon was a genius, and the world is worse off for not having him in it anymore.