Quarrelin' Hardy

I saw Rogue One this weekend, and the more I think about it, the less I like it. I thought the reshoots really showed. There were characters and story threads that I thought would be interesting that just kind of disappear or go nowhere, and a lot of scenes, especially early on, really dragged. I also really didn't

Ouch, I hate it when a game doesn't account for a player not sitting directly next to the screen when they play it. I don't understand why that is still happening.

Do it! I did a play-through of both Earthbound and Mother 3 this year. Earthbound still holds up, and Mother 3 really hit me where it hurt.

I have a bad feeling that with Satoru Iwata gone, our chances for an official Mother 3 release are probably gone with him. He was far more passionate about that series than most people at Nintendo, it seems.

Inafune is a hack, that's what was up with Mighty No. 9.

I have that problem. My gaming collection has been built up over years, and I have so many titles on the backlog its insane. More than I can ever play, but it's my hobby, so as long as there is something interesting for me to play, I'm not going to stop anytime soon.

I have that problem. My gaming collection has been built up over years, and I have so many titles on the backlog its insane. More than I can ever play, but it's my hobby, so as long as there is something interesting for me to play, I'm not going to stop anytime soon.

Best of luck with it! I have a close friend who took a chance on a Kickstarter for his card game after losing his job in the video game industry, and now he's doing pretty well for himself thanks to it. It's a lot of work, but I hope it works out for you!

I would say that wrestling right now has some of the most talented people the industry has ever had, even if the average product can vary wildly in quality from time to time.

Awesome to see the Ospreay vs Ricochet match on this list! It's the only wrestling match I have forced my wife to watch.

I'm hoping I get a copy of Final Fantasy XV for Christmas. I've been dying to play it, and since I just wrapped up Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, I should have some time to dedicate to it. I'm looking forward to road-tripping and Cup Noodles!

Then you'll love it!

My favorite game this year was Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse because it was exactly what I needed right now. There may be some spoilers in here.

Zootopia and The Neon Demon are easily two of my favorite movies this year, so I concur.

A friend of mine has dubbed him Darkneville, which I am going to stick with.

What is going on with this whole Emmalina business anyway? Bad Cop Evil Emma was where it was at anyway!

Braun Strowman killing Christmas is the best thing he's done on the main roster.

I was lucky that my father-in-law decided not to go to his usual spot to watch the marathon by the finish line that day, or that my uncle hasn't run the marathon in quite a few years. I'm not sure I could see this movie, because real life was scary enough.

I honestly think the solution is taking existing minority characters, like Luke Cage, Falcon, Black Panther, John Stewart, Katana, etc, make them more prominent and important in stories, and create fun new characters that stand on their own, like Kamala Khan, to expand the world a bit. Show them on equal footing as

It is very strange, because it doesn't seem to be used for very much at all from what I've seen her play. It's also used in really inconvenient ways, such as operating the character customization sliders at the start. They're so small, and they cursor is so finicky when using the analog stick. It was frustrating just