Quarrelin' Hardy

Illusion of Gaia was one of my favorites growing up. I would love to play it with a better translation, though, as it seems like a lot of important themes kind of got swept under the rug by Nintendo's content restrictions at the time.

I definitely plan on playing any future titles I pick up from them on the easy setting if one is available. It's been refreshing to just play the game and experience the story without dying repeatedly.

Man, I NEED an article about Riki-Oh. I recently found some of the original manga it was based on online, and the movie is actually remarkably faithful to its source material!

I am still playing Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. The game's story takes place over several days, marked by the phases of the moon: However, I've passed the 50 hour mark, leveled my character about level 90, killed off two major villains, the characters are excited about celebrating their victory, and I still

I really wish Club Nintendo was still around because the 3DS game case I got from them is full, I keep having to shuffle titles around, and I need another one. I don't like the ones that are in stores; they're all so bland! I like my hot pink one covered in Boos!

On the plus side, I hope this means Kid Rock won't be playing my state anytime soon!

Keep the blacklight away from America's sheets.

Fitting pick, since we elected Doink the Clown president.

I didn't walk out on the movie or anything, but that scene just solidified the general feeling of lame dopiness I got out of the movie.

No. I thought the first movie found the perfect balance.

I don't understand how the complete destruction of a friendship, team, and how they legally are able to function are low stakes. Also, a lot of innocent people died, and a world leader was killed, which factor into the plot.

I actually thought Baron Zemo in Civil War was a pretty compelling villain. He absolutely had reason to hate the heroes.

A huge part of superhero comics is the big, multi-character crossover event where the heroes end up paired off against each other for whatever reason, and debating how people with radically different power sets would fight each other. Civil War absolutely nailed that element with the airport scene.

I loved how Dormammu eventually ran out of creative ways to kill Doctor Strange as he got increasingly frustrating reliving the same moment over and over again.

The "Sabotage" scene in Star Trek Beyond is where I completely gave up on the movie. It felt so corny.

Ike was my personal star of the season.

Season 20 was definitely thrown for a bit of loop because of the election and whatnot, but it may not have got as much flak if Season 19 wasn't easily their strongest and funniest work in ages. I would be a bit let down too if they give up and go purely episodic again because of this experience. That excellent balance

Was that the live show where Paul Heyman called in and yelled at Todd Pettengill? Or was that LiveWire?

It's easily the only bad contribution Steve Austin made to the wrestling world.

Well… Ambrose did come from CZW after all…