Quarrelin' Hardy

It legitimately bummed me out when I saw it this morning. So well done, but sad.

He makes a point to not do the wet "just stepped out of the shower" thing with his hair to help him stand out from all the other long-haired wrestlers. It works!

It seems kind of weird to have the Ascension and the Wyatt Family on the same show. I know Connor and Victor are going more for a goth thing than the horror-movie styling of the Wyatts, but it seems redundant to have two "scary" tag teams on the same show.

Agreed. I seriously hope they keep Nakamura as far away from RAW as possible.

Tye's "10" chants are already a thing with crowds at main roster shows. I think he'd do just fine if called up to Smackdown.

I'm OK with Michael Bay staying out of the superhero movie business. We already have to deal with Zack Snyder adapting Frank Miller stories. I can't even imagine what would happen if Bay got his hands on a superhero.

Everything about this show just seems like "Actually… the TV Series" and just seems completely unbearable.

While I'm personally entertained by them, I think the Vaudevillains are pretty much a complete bust on the main roster and it may be better off keeping Gallagher as far away from them as possible.

Did anyone see the Rhyno/Heath Slater interview on Talking Smack? They had a falling out and it was heart-crushing. It was like watching your favorite couple get divorced.

Jack Gallagher is a star, and I think if the WWE would let him, he could be more than just a bright spot in the Cruiserweight division.

They never said it was gameplay. The game just started development this year. Besides, while Kojima may enjoy screwing with the audience, he's not known for deceiving people about the tech in his games. His games always look top-notch on whatever platform they hit.

He's had issues with Konami for a long time, but he didn't start using the hashtag until last year or so, when it was already starting to appear in places. He has influence for some ungodly reason so I'm sure he might have made it more popular.

I agree! I referred to the redesigned logo as the Konami Brand Ketchup logo. That's just what it reminded me of for some reason. I miss the waves.

I hope it turns out well! It looks nice so far!

Lastest thing I can find is that Kagemasa Kozuki is still running the company. I can't find anything that says otherwise.

He didn't create it, he just latched onto it. People have been saying Fuck Konami since the first news about Konami's treatment of Kojima broke over a year ago.

I don't think we'll ever get all the facts. Konami is sitting on a miserable pile of secrets.

Konami actually works in several different markets outside of the video game industry, including health clubs and gambling machines. Konami used to be a powerhouse of game design when game design was cheaper, but now with the increased budgets AAA game development has, they pretty much decided they wanted out of the

end of line

I didn't buy Origins until it was on a PSN Flash Sale for $8, and I actually regretted not picking it up sooner. I assumed that it was just a cash-in game, which in a way it sort of was, but I actually thought it was a superior game to both City and Knight.