Quarrelin' Hardy

I watched a trailer for the Killing Joke, and it instantly made me sad. It looked so cheap. I know the problems people have with the original book, but I still think its a great standalone Batman story that deserved better than bottom-of-the-barrel animation and that weird tack-on story they added.

I have a friend who's a tabletop game developer who travels to toy and video game conventions worldwide to sell his product, and he tells me that he's already seen a ton of women cosplaying as the character this year. Obviously there's people who get a kick out of the character.

I watched the extended cut of Batman v Superman, because I enjoyed Suicide Squad and reviews told me that was terrible, so I thought maybe I wouldn't side with reviewers on BvS either. I borrowed it from a friend and watched it on my day off. It felt like I put in a 12 hour work day watching it, and I instantly

He started using new motion and facial capture tech as well as massive amounts of photographic reference for Metal Gear Solid V, and it looks as if this is an improvement upon that. Supposedly everything they showed was running real-time on a PS4 Pro.

I love Hideo Kojima, and I'm glad he's free from Konami. It was revealed by Geoff Keighley recently that Konami made Kojima work on an entirely separate floor from his development team and was only allowed to communicate with them via a Konami intermediary during his last 6 months with the company. It sounds like

The pre-show was so confusing. They had one short interview with Geoff Keighley explaining the voting process, one really terrible comedy skit about generic video game t-shirts, and then it just kind of felt like they said "Screw it, let's start the show."

Seriously, a fighting game released with no features, a limited cast, and a "free-to-play" release model despite costing $60 new does not deserve the best fighting game award when there's fully featured games like King of Fighters XIV and Guilty Gear Revelator on the market. It's madness!

Doom was really refreshing in that it simply was like "Yep, Mars has hell demons now, go kill them" and didn't really feel the need to justify any of it too much. I'm perfectly OK with that.

I didn't play SMT4 proper. I went straight to Apocalypse, mainly because I found it had fully adjustable difficultly levels that could be changed at anytime, and that the plot didn't require you play the original (it has plenty of in-game notes that fill you in on the characters and the world as you play it).

I'm over the 35 hour mark in Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse and I think I found my personal game of the year. I'm just obsessed with the game and can't put it down, and I fully intend to play some more of it this weekend.

A sexy mechanic?

I struggled to get through the musical acts. I liked it better when they had more game-related acts and songs the prior years (though they did have the Doom soundtrack thing).

There is a lot of different "Hello?" options though!

What about Shootin' On Putin?

Such a dirty tease!

They could be airbrushed, like the dudes in 300.

Isn't one of the main male leads perpetually walking around shirtless with an open jacket so everyone can see his flawless abs? I'm sure some people may consider that sexy and/or revealing.

There are 4 sexy handsome boys going on an sexy handsome boy adventure together. We should be allowed one sexy lady.

I only stop seeing Day 1 Editions once the game is re-released as a Game of the Year edition, or a complete collection at this point, unless it's a Atlus or NIS game or something.

I liked Heavy Rain, despite its awkwardness. Actually, I think I probably liked it because of its awkwardness. At least it was trying some different stuff, even if it didn't quite work all the time!