Quarrelin' Hardy

I'm in the same boat. I really like the Pokemon and their increasingly odd designs, but the actual act of playing of the games doesn't quite click with me for some reason, even though I do enjoy some similar games. I bought Pokemon X awhile back and I don't think I even got a 3rd of the way through it.

I will be spending some time playing Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse this weekend. It never really clicked with me before for some reason, but I just realized that the MegaTen series is basically the original, spookier, not necessary all-ages friendly Pokemon series.

Is it just me or is the very idea of Survivor Series really underwhelming now? I think they killed the idea of big multi-wrestler matches by throwing so many people in the ring at once on a weekly basis. Nearly every RAW has at least one 6-8 man tag match at this point, so there's nothing really special about it

He looked like a killer until he had to wrestle matches longer than 30 seconds. Whenever he had to put on a normal length match, he got exposed as the hack that he was.


Seeing the Sandman without "Enter Sandman" is completely pointless.

I find myself more sad at seeing the Undertaker in action than excited. It just drives home how old he looks and moves.

I don't expect Conan to like a Final Fantasy game. I think it looks pretty stunning and I enjoyed the demo I tried, so I still plan on picking it up. I'll gladly go virtual camping with my handsome Final Fantasy Bros.

I bet a Peace Crepe would taste pretty nice…

I still remember when a guy at Gamestop told me that he felt bad for anyone buying the .hack games for the PS2, because he knew that they would put out a four-pack of the series once it was done while I was buying .hack part 2.

Their next thing is Severed, and it's out now. Check it out!

I just wrapped up Day of the Tentacle a couple weeks back for the first time. I really enjoyed it overall, even going in fresh. I made sure to play through Maniac Mansion again too, because the PC version of it is hidden away in there (I prefer the NES version of that, though).

Yeah, as much as people were dicks to him online, he absolutely loved to fight people and stir up shit online as well, so he never really helped himself there. I feel bad for everyone else who helped out on that project who got stuck dealing with that BS.

What's his problem, anyway? The Animal Crossing amiibo are adorable, and the only complete set I have!

I downloaded the REmake through PS Plus and I played a little bit of it with the new control scheme. It definitely feels off - it keeps some elements of the original play style while updating others, and the combination just doesn't feel quite right.

I took advantage of the Target Buy 2, get 1 free sale this past week and got myself Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, World of Final Fantasy, and Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. I haven't been able to try Deus Ex yet, but World of Final Fantasy is super cute. I spent a good solid 5-10 minutes just popping my characters

I really wish they would stop trying to make all the shows longer and start trying to make them all a little shorter instead. The shows have way too much filler and run too late most nights.

The match was excellent until the really sudden finish. The crowd obviously was confused by what even happened. I don't understand Vince's hard-on for having faces lose in their hometowns.

Putting the cruiserweights on RAW was the death knell of the division being treated seriously. It's been pretty common knowledge that Vince doesn't care for small wrestlers, and since Vince seems to be most hands-on with RAW, I'm not surprised they're being treated as nothing more than a special attraction than a

I'm with you on this, I have zero excitement for Goldberg being back and taking up TV time from current, actually-talented talent.