Quarrelin' Hardy

I think CG is actually cheaper than practical effects at this point, which if that is the case, is probably why.


This article is flat-out wrong about effect work in the Thing. I rewatched the movie this year with my wife, who was just seeing it for the first time. The effect work is still incredible, and light-years ahead of the CG-assisted work of the recent prequel.

Bethesda made a public announcement that they wouldn't support mods on the PS4 because of some vague stance Sony took. However, Sony has allowed mods in the past on the PS3 with Unreal Tournament 3. Either Sony changed their policies in a way that makes it not worth doing now, or Bethesda wanted something unrealistic

Honestly, I come here for the conversation, because I like the regulars. I go to some smaller sites like DualShockers because they focus on weirder and/or Japanese titles, or just talk to my friends or friends of friends. If I find that I'm interested in a title and want to learn more, I check out a longplay on

I didn't hear about this before. Good for him! I actually enjoy Fallout 4 but there's always some little thing that doesn't quite work right and it should be called out for it. Rooster Teeth has been super-shilly in the past few years, especially since they became part of Fullscreen.

I can see potential positives and negatives. I would say that for the most part, game journalists are friendlier and more forgiving to Bethesda titles than they probably should be, and I think some of that is them getting caught up in the hype machine and not wanting to say bad things about a publisher that was

At this point, Bethesda knows they can get a YouTuber to say nice things about their games no matter how buggy they are. I wouldn't really be surprised if we see more publishers cut out the gaming press going forward.

I pre-ordered it what felt like ages ago, but after multiple delays I finally received my copy of Corpse Party for the 3DS this week, so I expect to play that to get into the Halloween spirit. I had the PSP version, but never finished it and I haven't touched the PSP in years. It's been re-released a few times since

What bothered me the most were scenes where characters in the movie watch the footage we just saw and tell us that it's scary on at least one occasion. Sorry movie, if your characters have to tell us something we just saw was scary, it's not.

Paranormal Activity. When it was still a new thing, I watched it, and found it profoundly boring.

I watched RiffTrax make fun of this movie a few weeks back with my wife. We both legitimately thought the movie was pretty freaky at times, even with Mike Nelson and gang making jokes about it.

Yeah, the only other tie-in was that the evil meteor from the game is referenced in a newspaper clipping in the opening. That was it. I was so confused at what the hell I was watching when I was a kid, because I had played the game on the C64 and NES, and knew it inside and out.

This post makes 33 1/3% sense and has a 141 2/3 chance of winning.

Oh, no, I was referring to the two-season Maniac Mansion TV series that wasn't anything like the game and wasn't any good, showing that even the old LucasArts games with plenty of story potential aren't immune to the bad video-game adaptation curse.

Bad medicine is what I need.

I'm so glad that Smackdown is leaning in on the James Ellsworth stuff. The WWE has done a surprisingly bad job over the past few years of going with the flow with what the crowd is into. You would think in a setting where your weekly shows always have live audience feedback, that you would get an idea of what is

I would totally watch a 90 minute movie of nothing but Mayor Mike Haggar suplexing punks.

Counterpoint - the Maniac Mansion TV series.

I'll go to bat for The Evil Within. I should go back and wrap it up, I really enjoyed what I played of it. I don't really get how people could like Resident Evil games from 4 on and not enjoy it.