Quarrelin' Hardy

I would consider it a horror game, especially that final sequence.

Story is they were confiscating Axelmania signs at RAW, even Curtis Axel confirmed it was happening on Twitter. Poor guy, whatcha gonna do when Vince McMahon not wanting you to get over runs wild on you?

The Gallows and Anderson stuff really bums me out. WWE really doesn't seem to understand the Bullet Club very well, and it shows.

Bayley wasn't called up early, she was called up to the wrong show.

I'm concerned they're going to completely kill Bayley as a character on RAW, which is a huge waste, as she's a top talent in my opinion.

I had no idea he was still alive.

I didn't really like Skies of Arcadia when I first got it for the Dreamcast, but it quickly became one of my favorite games at the time once you got to start building your crew.

Order of Ecclesia was really good, probably my favorite of the portable Castlevanias! I should give it another run…

I learn something new every day!

Are you sure it wasn't Zero, or some combination of the two? Zero was released several months after the remake of the original, and received far lower review scores overall.

Resident Evil Zero got a lot of crap back when it was first released for not being "new" enough, and was probably a big part of the reason RE4 went so drastically different with its gameplay, but I have a soft spot for Zero. It handled the standard RE formula really well. RE5 is definitely better as a co-op game, as

Seriously, the WiiU name hurt the system far more than it helped. Some of my younger family members who actually do play video games thought it was just a new controller for the Wii and had no idea it was an actual system.

I always viewed it as "he surrounds himself with the worst people who happen to be really good at being shady."

I don't know. I think they were trying to play off of the Inverted Castle idea of SotN with its Layered Castle concept, but it doesn't really work that well. I can't say I hate the game, as I did play it to completion, but I have no desire to ever replay it.

You're not alone, Harmony of Dissonance is by far my least favorite of the post-SoTN portable Castlevanias.

I was recently playing that too, because I picked it up at PAX about a year ago. Every time I pick it up I end up going back to Ace Attorney instead. It's not that I don't like it, but there's something about it that makes me not rush to go back to it, and I can't quite pin down what it is.

I would gladly throw a Nintendo party if anyone is interested…

Probably WWE 2K17. I'm an avid wrestling fan (I spend a lot of time in the comments section of the AV Club's RAW and Smackdown reviews) and I got a lot of fun out of the last title. I picked it up last weekend but I spent most of my time creating a custom wrestler. It has some options to make your wrestler with

I said "for the most part," not everyone!

I came to it pretty late, but the original Rocky Horror knows exactly what its trying to be and does it exactly the way it wants. It definitely doesn't fall into the "so bad it's good" category. You either like what it is doing or you don't.