Quarrelin' Hardy

Everyone is seriously way too attractive for this version. Everyone in the original Rocky Horror looks like a total weirdo for the most part, which is part of its appeal for me, and this just looks like a lot of really attractive people wearing Halloween costumes.

I wish we got a real Metroid that often.

So you walk back to it and pick it up and play it?

I made a mistake many years ago trying to play Fire Pro Wrestling on my Game Boy Advance at the start of an 8 hour road trip. Oh good God did I pay for that one…

I'm a weirdo and actually kinda liked the giant Xbox controllers. The black & white buttons were the only real frustrations for me.

Nintendo isn't really known for bullshot footage though. That's more of an Ubisoft deal.

I'm excited, because I love the WiiU in concept but the execution had some issues. I can't even leave my living room before the signal to the tablet dies. The promise of portability looks to actually have been followed through with fully this time. I hope the 3DS gets to continue and doesn't get completely left by the

I bet it has a little bit to do with this…

Tell me about it… my state (New Hampshire) didn't even recognize Martin Luther King Jr Day until the year 2000!

It's wild to me that his artwork, as offensive as it was considered in the early 90's, now just kind of seems like what an Adult Swim cartoon would be like if it was an HBO TV block instead. Like, a pornier Super Jail.

Multiple even. And more ways to use them than any of the other games.

I agree. Kojima has managed to work over 25 years of magic out of the Metal Gear series, and it always continued to surprise me in exciting new ways with every installment I could get my hands on.

My go-to has always been that all TV shows aren't real, but this is one you can easily go see being performed live, like a play.

Do you have some sort of inside information regarding Konami's finances that shows that the game couldn't have been completed proper with some additional development time? Because they certainly didn't seem to have a problem sinking additional money into their zombie spinoff and releasing MGSV for full price again a

You have to start at the beginning, and play them in order of release. It is very much like comics that in that each entry plays off of what came before and makes changes to continuity occasionally. I wouldn't recommend playing them in chronological order like some people suggest, because that's not really how the

Kojima doesn't seem to really care about continuity too much; he seems to like to play around with his themes and ideas at the time and work it together later if he needs too.

I knew that Konami was going to pull some bullshit with Metal Gear once Kojima was gone but I didn't expect it to only take about a year before they rushed a game out with zombies shoehorned in it.

Except that MGSV made its budget and more back in the first week of sales, so they pretty much had nothing to worry about financially from it. Kojima was the only talent Konami truly had left.

I feel that the missing chapter of Metal Gear Solid V was an intentional choice forced by a unintended situation Kojima and his team had no control over. Spoilers ahoy.

Hmmm, I have a friend who teaches stage-combat using lightsabers… I should probably warn him.