Quarrelin' Hardy

I've been really enjoying Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (which I keep accidentally referring to as Spirit of Vengeance… no Ghost Rider here), and I am in the third case now, wrapping up the second day of investigation. I really missed Maya Fey a ton, and I'm glad she back, but I couldn't help but be a little sad

True. I mean, the Republicans constantly 'member Reagan, who was an actor first anyway.

Randy and Stan Marsh from South Park.

Diamond is Unbreakable is teen punks vs. a serial killer. It actually makes a lot of sense Miike would adapt that run.

The movie is being made by Warner Bros Japanese studio (which put out the live action Death Note movies) and Toho. It's a Japanese film. Directed by a Japanese film maker. No shit it has Japanese actors in it.

Subsequent play throughs of Nier's New Game+ mode can be completed in as little as 4-5 hours if you skip doing any additional sidequests.

When I replayed the game this year, that was the only place that gave me trouble. Those trees are assholes!

The mechanic where weak enemies just die when you approach them really should have been copied a lot more than it was. I can't think a single other game that did that. It really made grinding a lot easier to deal with.

Hey! I made Keyboard Geniuses! My day is now officially awesome!

Just play it. I've replayed Earthbound again this year, and it was probably the 4th or 5th time I've done so. Even though I know pretty much everything there is to expect from it now, it's still a really fun experience. Give it a whirl if you're interested.

Nier has a lot of rough edges, but its easily my favorite RPG of the PS3/Xbox 360 console generation. I can't believe we're getting a sequel to it, with Platinum Games' involvement, no less!

I really loved Lego Marvel Super Heroes. I find a lot of the Lego games to be pretty hit or miss, but that one was really solid overall, and has some really great fan-service for Marvel fans like myself. I don't think they've made one as good as that one since.

As RoboYuji's brother, I can confirm that I did not like Mass Effect 3 for reasons unrelated to the ending (even though the ending was pretty weak). I mostly hated how rushed a lot of the game felt; the overall story seemed like it was trying too hard to be dark and miserable, I didn't find the characters anywhere

I need to grab DQ7 - I loved DQ8, even though I never got around to finishing it.

Ai'Laffed Aht'Urjok…

I fully intend to spend some time this weekend playing Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice this weekend! I just finished the second case with Apollo Justice a couple nights ago, and I'm back with Phoenix Wright now. I can't wait until I finally meet up with Maya Fey again. I miss that kid.

The Legacy Collection was designed, at least partially, to create some emulation tech that ensured accuracy to the original software for preservation purposes. Looking at it that way, it makes perfect sense they wouldn't change some of the flaws in Mega Man 3's design.

Especially more so, considering that it came out in 94, not a time period particularly well known for its amazing localizations.

I can see that, I wouldn't necessary call him a paragon of great parenting, obviously he could have handled his issues in a way that wouldn't exclude his other son, but I would never say that he was anything other than a loving father who made some bad decisions out of his own personal hurt.

Honestly, there was pretty much nothing they could do to make it sell at the time it was released (though the "This Game Stinks" ad campaign didn't help). It just wasn't what a lot of average gamer kids in the mid-90's wanted to play. Even Final Fantasy was a niche series in the US at that point in time.