Quarrelin' Hardy

Yeah, it was rough, but I think the story probably resonated more because of it. I read an interview with Itoi after finishing the game this past summer that gave me the impression that's what he wanted people to do anyway.

WTF I love Wario even more now!

The Earthbound name was teased for the original Mother in Nintendo Power before they ended up cancelling it outside of Japan - I would bet they wanted to make the title sound more exciting, and "mother" Earth is one of the many possible interpretations of the original title, especially since the Earth itself factors

I would bet a ton. It really was written off for its graphics alone by a lot of reviews at the time.

I recall when I got the game as a young teen, none of the other kids I knew wanted to play it because they wrote it off as a kids' game and only wanted to look cool by playing Mortal Kombat or something else considered "mature."

Eat some ASS and go right upstairs!

Don't laugh at me, Masked Man.

That's always how I viewed it; it was a very old-fashioned family and Dad was always working so Mom could be home with the kids, but he wanted to make sure his son had enough money to safely travel, he made sure to say something nice every once and awhile, made sure he took record of what you were doing and who you

I was 14 when I first played the game (I got it as a birthday gift the year it came out, lucky me!), but I would imagine some of it would go over my head or hit me a little hard if I played it under 12 or so.

I named all the main family members in Mother 3 after my family, since the family make-up fit. That was a crushing experience.

I mean, you could view it through a sexual light, which could be disturbing due to Lucas's age, but you can also view at as being something as simple as a baptism. I guess it's just up for interpretation.

AJ is probably the only person on the roster who could drag a great match out of Kane at this point.

Oh wow, I'm sorry; it's going to a get a lot rougher from there, too.

I guess I wouldn't go so far to say that all the dads in the Mother series are useless. I definitely have a different take on Flint.

That's the first time I saw it, too. It used the analogy against the #NotAllMen hashtag when it and #YesAllWomen were trending, and used M&M's as the example.

Does anyone actually want a Spawn movie? Is Spawn still actively running as a comic? I seriously have no idea.

This was so incredibly sad.

Recently, Jed Whedon was saying that they've been freed up to use more "classic" Inhumans on the TV show, so that leads me to believe that the movie may not be happening after all.

I loved You're Next, and I'm interested in this movie, but I'm a little concerned by his promise of tons of nudity, swearing, and bloody violence in his take on Death Note. Death Note is a Shonen Jump comic, mostly appropriate for a teen/young adult audience, that happens to deal with mature themes, not really a super

I remember watching this show, and not being surprised it got cancelled because it was a little too "inside" the entertainment industry for the average viewer. Though I bet it would have probably done better now on something like HBO.