Quarrelin' Hardy

Captain Boomerang!

My wife and I are still planning on seeing Suicide Squad even with the vastly lowered expectations the reviews have given us, but I really, really hope Wonder Woman turns out well. DC desperately needs one of their movies to be an unconditional hit. I'm definitely more of a Marvel guy, but it still stings to see these

Zack Snyder is saving that one for Justice League.

I love Luke Cage, Mike Colter was already awesome as him in Jessica Jones, so I am super excited about this show. Bring it on!

I hope that's what they actually do. But I worry they'll never follow up with it.

Wasn't CSS saying this morning that Rollins and Ambrose of all people weren't real stars in their write-up for last night's Smackdown, or was I just seeing things?

Bayley should have been brought up at the same time Sasha, Charlotte, and Becky were brought up. The delay makes no sense.

I legitimately forgot that the Ascension was still a team with the WWE last night until that draft pick.

Kevin Owens' rant and Enzo and Cass going on about raiding people's fridges for cookies and ice cream made the Network draft special totally worth watching.

Thanks, I'll be here all night.

My honest reaction to seeing Mojo Rawley called up was an audible "Fucking Mojo Rawley" even though I was watching by myself.

Punished Heath: Man Without A Brand.

I want Bayley to come up, but the rumor that's been floating around is that Nia Jax is getting a call up first. Which is really strange. She's not bad, but needs more time in developmental than Bayley does, who's been ready for the main roster for almost a year now.

It's missing a true arcade mode, so I still feel like it's not quite a full package I expect from a fighting game yet.

I was interested in this 20XX game mentioned in the article until I got to the randomly generated levels part. Am I alone in not being a fan of that trend? I mentioned in another thread recently that I really missed tight level design (which is why I've drastically cooled on open-world games over the years).

So this is probably going to end up in my house. I like the goofy blockiness of the characters rather than using traditional minifigs.

It drives me nuts in Fallout 4. I like building up a settlement or two and upgrading weapons and armor for myself and my companions, and all the encumbrance rules do is cause me to have to fast travel back to my main settlement every other side-mission I complete.

I'm finding that open world games are becoming less appealing to me as I get older. I'm 35 now, and I just don't have the time to dedicate to just messing around doing nothing of real worth for the most part. Occasionally an open-world game will catch my attention, but it's getting much more rare (the only ones

I know I just recently stopped reading Marvel again because I just couldn't keep up anymore! And I was reading through Marvel Unlimited with their 6 month lag time for new issues.

I tend to walk and take it slow in horror games. I would rather soak up the atmosphere than run from it; I would slowly creep through the halls in Silent Hill 2 whenever I played it. It made it more dramatic, and allowed the creepy presentation and sound design do its job.