Quarrelin' Hardy

I don't really agree with that. I get the impression from watching it they thought they were onto something really cool without realizing how bad it actually was, now they're trying too hard to act like they really meant it to be bad on purpose. I'm just not into it.

Yes! It constantly adds new and interesting twists to the gameplay as you go, including boss fights against Donkey Kong!

I feel like I'm the only one that really hated the whole Final Deletion and everything leading up to it because it was too dumb. It's the kind of really embarrassing stuff WCW used to do in the 80's, and not something I think wrestling should be going back to. Lucha Underground can get away with it because they have

It was Nintendo trying to copy Galaga! It gets ignored all the time but I kind of like it.

The Game Boy exclusive Donkey Kong game really doesn't get the respect it deserves.

I think I saw a poorly worded comment on an NPR article on Facebook yesterday morning that didn't get a lot of likes. Can we get an article about that too?

I forgot about Save the Green Planet! I remember forcing that on all my roommates on an import DVD I had ages ago. Luckily, they are all weird too so they enjoyed it.

Zootopia was brilliant and really should be included, if this list didn't seem to completely excise the existence of animated movies.

It's right there in the Bridesmaids entry!

It's as much as a comedy as some of the movies on the list.

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is definitely a massively overlooked movie.

Upvoted for Cabin in the Woods - probably the best horror comedy in recent years, though Tucker and Dale vs. Evil doesn't get enough love.

Its stock has fallen quite a bit in recent years, but I still think it captures awkward high school kids better than most movies. Even the normal kids in the movie come off like the dorks kids actually are.

I liked it, but my wife saw it for the first time about 5 years ago and was really underwhelmed, especially since so many stars she likes are in it. I do think you kind of had to be there when it first came out.

This article is making me want to watch Best in Show and Step Brothers again. It's been too long.

Outside of Deadpool, which was a lot of fun, Fox Marvel movies really bum me out more than anything. I can't even imagine how lame a Gambit movie by Fox would be, and I don't even hate the character or anything like a lot of people do.

I know for me it would be like rebooting Back to the Future or something. I just don't want it. The original is fine. Not everything needs to be rebooted with its eyes on an expanded universe franchise because Marvel made money doing it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I legitimately had nightmares because of that episode too, but I'd watch it every time it was on.

I know as a kid I hated kid characters in shows. I didn't want to watch dumb kids my age, I wanted to see cool adults.

I wish, but it won't. We'll be stuck with this debate for a few more months, or at least the rest of July, depending on how well it does at the box office.