Quarrelin' Hardy

No reference to the substantially large package Cammy was apparently smuggling up her butt?

Working Designs can fuck itself for making US players need to finish the entirety of Silhouette Mirage in only 5 lives total.

I cheated in both Resident Evil 2 and 3 with my GameShark back in the day. I definitely had a lot more fun not having to worry about ammo management.

"Chief? McCloud!" was one of my favorite running gags as a kid and I had no idea what the reference was.

A friend of mine put out a game called Billionaire Banshee https://breakinggames.com/p… almost a year before Red Flags existed, without ripping off the exact look of Cards Against Humanity like they did. He got it funded through Kickstarter and had been promoting it many of the same shows that Skybound was promoting

So do I. Also, they are having an absolute blast with #BeatUpJohnCena on Twitter too.

He's provided evidence to doubters on Twitter.

That's a problem I had with the original Doom as well, so it's very true to the spirit of the original, at least!

I think you're onto something. I personally find Telltale Games really hit or miss, and a lot of that hinges on how much actual adventure game there is in them. The more there is, the more I enjoy it. I grew up playing Space Quest and Maniac Mansion, so I'm usually hoping for a least a couple puzzles to work with.

Mass Effect 3 is a bad, bad game. It suffers EA syndrome really hard - once Electronic Arts got more control over Bioware, the more things like shoe-horned multiplayer with micro-transactions became more important to the game than actually being any fun to play.

Last week I promised myself that I would finally beat Sonic Spinball after 23 years of never doing so, and I finally did it! Sooner than anticipated, so I went through and played the original Sonic the Hedgehog again. I still really enjoy it.

Overall, I felt like the whole thing was rushed, and the focus on adding in multiplayer really took away from the main game. Many of the missions were actually just the multiplayer maps, fighting off enemy waves. It felt really lazy.

Their insistence on Rockapella following them every where they go made them a little less threatening, though.

Is there a version of this movie that exists without the Director's Cut additions available for purchase? I have the director's cut Blu-Ray and I really am hoping to replace it with a decent quality version of the original.

I've seen the Jack and the Beanstock version thanks to Rifftrax, but not the Thumbelina version. Have you seen both? Which one is worse?

I really wish I stopped playing Mass Effect after 2. 2 was excellent. 3… the less said the better. The ending gets a ton of flack, yet honestly, I think the whole game is pretty bad overall.

Hell, the movie is based on the version of the book that specifically cuts out the final chapter, where Alex is sort of redeemed!

I've never thought of that casting before… that's actually pretty interesting.

The PS4 controller is definitely the only PlayStation controller so far that I actually like playing an FPS with.

Like most cheap comic stunts!