Quarrelin' Hardy

Super is a brilliant movie, I need to rewatch it after your write-up. I even cried at the end; the emotional turmoil of the whole thing really got to me.

Swery's a pretty great guy too. He's really friendly and engaging with his fans; I've had a few friendly conversations with him via Twitter and he even used some of my fan art once at GDC for a presentation on Deadly Premonition! I need to get back to D4…

I love the fact that William Regal is playing the commissioner of NXT now. It feels like a great role for him now that he's not wrestling anymore.

I honestly would have preferred they embrace the fact that Kratos is a horrible person, full of toxic aggression and an inability to take responsibility for his own actions, and use that to really say something. Perhaps approach him from someone else's perspective, such as from someone within the Norse society that he

I feel that way about the newly announced God of War.

I feel like my ass should be calling somebody right now…

Promptly forms an alliance with Stephanie McMahon and Paul Heyman and runs it into the ground again.

Give 7.5's to everything?

Enzo is surprisingly normal looking in that video. It's actually really weird to see.

Kevin Owens addressed the silly USA chants in matches where no one in the match is from America in the best way possible.

Cool news, and I hope more character creation systems follow suit. Saint's Row 3 and 4 were the closest until now, since you could use all voice, hair, or clothes options regardless of gender in their character editors.

I saw it with an engineer friend of mine and we both enjoyed it. I thought it was a fun, weird little sci-fi flick not afraid to be a little off, and he marvelled the whole way home about how they handled the ideas behind AI and how distinctly South African, non-Hollywood the movie was. Then we found out everyone else

Seriously, seeing my personal pet theory was actually going to come true makes me really sad this movie never happened.

From watching James for over 10 years, and from seeing this video, you are spot on in your assessment.

Thank you for cutting through all the bullshit with pure clarity. I'm 100% serious. We need to stop taking everyone's opinion on entertainment like it's some form of gospel.

Maybe the younger kids might be faster at some games, but I've also seen those videos of kids failing miserably at Super Metroid and Mega Man 2 so it might not extend to all aspects of gaming.

And I had all the toys! I wonder if my Toxie is still kicking around somewhere…

Check please!

I wanted toys of the female characters when I was a kid in the 80's, and could just never find them. Obviously we all know the reason why now. It took me years to find an April O'Neil to hang out with my Ninja Turtles!

One of the Lego sets had a Killian minifig, but that's the only one I know of.