Quarrelin' Hardy

Exactly. I think it got a lot of praise simply because it was the first anime movie a lot of people saw back when it used to be played in heavy rotation on the Sci-Fi Channel back in the day.

That's the thing though, I love cyberpunk stuff too, which is why hating GitS stings so much.

I love Cowboy Bebop.

I read the original Manga, watched the first movie, and watched the first TV series, all in a completely unnecessary attempt to prove to myself I liked this thing. I didn't.

Ghost in the Shell is held in high esteem and was one of the rare crossover anime hits, but I can't stand the thing. There was a very short period of time I tried to convince myself that I enjoyed it, but I just couldn't do it. I feel like I'm watching a freshman philosophy class try to one up each other with obscure

I love Hayley Atwell, really enjoyed the character of Agent Carter, and I liked the first season, but I completely checked out about 2/3rds of the way through season 2. I just found it to be really dull and uneventful. I'm not particularly surprised it got the ax after two seasons of low ratings.

I would assume that since the suit is Vibranium and isn't effected much by vibration at all, it was transferring that force into Bucky's arm, since it's not a Vibranium metal.

Agreed. I love the Blues Brothers, it's easily one of my favorite films, but more so because it is an amazing musical and less of a hilarious comedy.

That always happens to me too. Maybe not that often but I always gets a weird syncing jump.

The jokes about Charles Robinson being a little Ric Flair predated the WCW angle that played off of it.

Steve Austin is one of the greatest wrestling talents of all time but the worst thing he ever did was introduce the "What?" thing into wrestling. The crowd just latched onto it and never let it go. Very rarely can any wrestler subjected to it find a decent way to deal with it and it just makes promos awkward.

Apparently they all have very specific deals that allow them to do so. Several other relatively well-known hires had to change theirs, like Prince Devitt/Finn Balor, Kana/Asuka, or KENTA/Hideo Itami. However, with more guys coming in with their prior names intact, like Shinsuke Nakamura, I wonder if that's starting to

Plus Trank himself trashed it on Twitter the night before its release. Why would you want to see a movie the director himself thinks sucks?

Only if he's cute and rich.

Yeah, I get the racist implications of the SnapChat filter, but I find the implications of racism over his greatest hits album overstated. I don't really see a difference between how his greatest hits album was handled versus how all greatest hits albums are handled. Music execs who couldn't care less throw together

Cool to see Slott and Allred's Silver Surfer get a nomination - I really enjoy the book, and I love the art so much I want to frame and hang a print of nearly every page on my wall.

They really did nothing for them. They just showed one promotional graphic the show before their debut and threw them out there. It seems weird to me to bring a team up from developmental to do nothing particularly interesting with them. I like them a lot but I'm surprised they didn't get totally repackaged before

No, seriously, the SS stands for Six-Sided… like our wrestling rings.

In Soviet Russia, joke is essentially you!

What happens when Soviet Russia plays the Twilight Zone game? Will it just turn out to be a regular video game?