Quarrelin' Hardy

I forgot about Penguin's broken-bottle-stuck-in-his-face monocle! It's hilarious how a weird little gangster can't just wear a monocle - no, we need a gritty, gross reason he has a monocle!

Origins is actually my second favorite of the series, behind Arkham Asylum. I thought I wouldn't like it because it wasn't developed by Rocksteady, and I heard a lot of really bad things about it, so I held off on buying it for quite some time. I really regretted that decision once I finally played it. I liked that

Honestly, I think it was all downhill from Arkham Asylum, which is the highpoint of the series for me. I liked the follow-up games, but none of them were as overall well-paced or designed as the first.

I was thinking the same thing, the game itself opens with what feels like the celebration of the beginning of the warm, spring season.

He is an amazing Luthor, and I haven't liked any other portrayal of the character other than his.

Agreed. Chris Evans embodies Captain America at this point. He's driven home to lot of others what I've already loved about Cap for years.

Mark Hamill is the definitive Joker for many, including me.

I'm sure someone (possibly many someones) has already said it, but Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. It was a fan-casting dream come true for me, and he has defined the character so well that literally every other appearance of Iron Man, whether it be comic, cartoon, or video game, now imitates his performance.

According to Omega, they've tried at least 3 times to sign him and he won't do it. Sounds like he was soured on them from a prior experience in developmental.

Will they also tell me what depression feels like?

I really haven't time to play much of anything these past couple weeks, but I did grab Earthbound now that its available on the New 3DS. I've been itching to play it again for quite some time. I bought it when it was rereleased on the WiiU, but didn't get very far into it. However, I play the 3DS far more often, so

This was exactly what I took from it - she had to kill someone to survive in season 1, she's got some complicated feelings about that, and it's informing how she's viewing the Punisher's actions.

Same here. You're Next was excellent and I love Death Note a lot (I even have a Ryuk tattoo) and I think he could do some really interesting stuff with the concept.

Thank you for this article, as it completely nails why Final Fantasy VIII works and why it was it my favorite FF game at the time when it came out - I was 18 years old and just finished high school the year before, so it really resonated with me at the time for exactly the reasons described.

I think they can improve Cesaro's tearaway suit if they had it attached to strings that stagehands could pull so it would look like it literally exploded off of him from his sheer greatness.

Or they might pull a Weekend at Bernie's scenario and his corpse is just getting paraded around like nothing happened.

I've noticed this really weird lack of interest in creators at conventions over the past 10 years or so. The people attending seem to care more about the fan personalities than the people who actually make the things they like. I find it depressing.

I heard Superman "saved" him.

Shane did an elbow drop off the top of the cage to the floor. He looked like he was going to die after.

At this point I don't even think a heel run would salvage Reigns. He's just not good and the damage has been done.