Quarrelin' Hardy

I would actually surprised if Paige re-ups her contract with the company at this point. She seems pretty miserable right now.

I can't help but feel like last night's show was a completely embarrassing Wrestlemania, especially when you consider how great NXT Takeover Dallas was. It feels like every single match had the wrong result, with the exception of the ladder match, where it was a nice surprise to see Zack Ryder get a shot. There's no

I'm pretty sure Ray Wise was in one of the Atlas Shrugged movies, too. I think he'll do pretty much anything that pays.

I could due without Jonah Ray since he's a big part of why I didn't support the MST3K Kickstarter, but Joel joining is pretty cool news!

It was him and Drew McWeeney of Hitfix - they both reported that the screenings were going very poorly. Based on the critical response, I would say that was accurate. He was also right about Doomsday being in the movie and a bunch of other comic movie news. I trust his sources, even if I think he's grating sometimes.

Seriously, it's why I still read his stuff. He puts me off personally a lot, but his news tends to be right about comic book movies in particular, more often than not.

Maybe it is too early, but as much as I don't care for the game, it's probably the biggest game out there right now and it's being cloned left and right - hell, they're even putting out a Dragon Quest game that's imitating it!

That music still makes me intensely nervous and agitated to this day!

Maybe I'm just ignorant of Elite and Nurburgring, but I pretty much don't see any reason the rest of those titles shouldn't just be in there already. I know they only want to do 6 a year, but nearly all of those choices are significant in one way or another.

Lunatic genius heel Bob Backlund was easily one of my favorite characters in wrestling growing up.

Try watching He-Man as an adult. It's far worse.

I remember that the WTR made a "Rap is Crap" music video that went over huge because people hated Master P so much. It was a prime example of wrestling storytelling completely backfiring.

They actually decided to play off of the fan's negative reaction naturally. Particularly, I remember they had The Rock make a big deal about how offended he was by a "Die, Rocky, Die" sign in the crowd, and how he didn't want to play nice with the fans anymore in an interview, and just rolled from there.

Faith based films like this always advertise group or bulk-ticket purchases too, because they know that the target audience is typically church groups that will buy tickets for the whole congregation.

This is the best news! Thanks!

Or you could watch some OUTRAGEOUS episodes of the Brave and the Bold!

I agree. When I go to a superhero or action movie, I very much do want at least one big action scene. I would like the rest of the movie to make me care about the characters in it, of course, which I think Marvel Studios has done a pretty fine job of so far.

You're thinking the right thing - Rotten Tomatoes shut down all comments and forums because of death threats over the Dark Knight Rises. I love Batman but I don't see how people who could love a character who doesn't kill would threaten to kill someone because they didn't like his movie.

I will not be buying a ticket even if this disaster has sort of piqued my curiosity - I do not want the studio to get a cent of my money and help them justify making more of these this way.

Seriously! Batman /= The Punisher!