Quarrelin' Hardy

I felt awful after Man of Steel because a) I was initially excited to see it, and b) I dragged my wife and two friends to see it. We all hated it, and I couldn't help but feel like it was somewhat my fault for convincing them to go.

Spoiler Space when?

I played 5 co-op and I had a blast. I thought that adding co-op was a reasonable extension of the series, since nearly every game had two characters you switched between anyway.

Resident Evil 6 is pretty unfocused, but I would argue that the Gun Survivor games or that really generic multiplayer shooter entry from a couple years ago (I'm blanking on the name, it left such little of an impression) are worse games overall.

That's too bad.

Watched up to episode 4, and I had to force myself to stop. I enjoyed the first season, but so far they really stepped it up.

The first reactions on Twitter from people who attended the premiere seem to dig it, but so did the people who attended the F4nt4stic4 reboot's premiere too, so that means nothing really.

I love a good superhero movie, and I just can't muster any interest in it either. Man of Steel locked in a Superman I can't get behind, and using the Dark Knight Returns as a basis for the beginning of a team-up story just seems so off to me.

Same here. It's a huge reason why I don't play phone games.

I think it's a complete fake - rarely do the final controllers look exactly like the patent docs. I'm guessing it's just a mock-up someone made to be cute.

I was a kid when the show first ran and I loved it, even if I only understood it on a surface level at the time.

It's weird, Bethesda games are the only games I can think of where the 3rd person view makes me motion sick.

I always want to play them in 3rd person, since i typically prefer that perspective, but their 3rd person camera is so wonky that it makes it feel pretty off-putting trying to play it that way.

I love El Shaddai. I still have no idea what happened in it, but yes, there really is nothing like it. Wait until you get into the fight with the Michael Jackson style angel!

I too shall be playing some Twilight Princess HD if I get the chance. I never played the game at all before, so the whole experience is new to me. The first hour or so was pretty rough and kind of dull, but once I met Midna it starting picking up a bit and I'm starting to really enjoy it.

Just don't expect Superman to save you! His dad taught him it's better to let you drown!

I see a lot of people hating on Foggy, and I just don't get it. I really like the guy.

It certainly explains a lot of the really bizarre worldview of heroism in Man of Steel, especially the oddly selfish Kents.

Me too.

Neville won't be wrestling anyone at Wrestlemania - he's confirmed to have at least broken his ankle last night, possible his shin as well.