Quarrelin' Hardy

That's just their typical Saturday night.

This. At least the Avengers movies actively show the heroes trying to help people. Man of Steel showed Superman not giving a shit because Zack Snyder just thinks smashing things is cool.

The eyes are what are really doing it for me. I love that with this and Deadpool we're finally seeing the movies try to replicate the expressive masks we see all the time in comics.

Yeah, there really are some levels that bring the whole damn thing to a screeching halt. I like the idea of the game more than the game itself. I find the arcade game and Battletoads/Double Dragon more fun and manageable. I will admit I have a lot more fun with using the Rare Replay built-in rewind cheats.

I recall playing it with a GameShark, using codes that removed a lot of Working Designs weird changes. It made it a lot more fun.

Ironically, despite being criticized from its graphics back when it first came out, Mega Man Legends hold up better visually than a lot of games from that time period, since they embraced simple and colorful character models. A lot of the more cutting edge, realistic stuff from that time looks far worse now.

I think Devil May Cry stole its thunder.

VIII gets a bad rep. I still think its one of the few RPGs where the teenage characters actually act like teenagers.

If you didn't occasional get locked into some boss battles where you had to fight the terrible hit detection more than the bosses themselves, that game would be considered a survival horror masterpiece.

It's true!

Robo-Michael was the shit!

I still have Magic Pengle - I should boot it up and check out all the terrible monsters I made.

That's good to hear. A dev friend of mine is Facebook friends with Ben Judd, so I occasionally hear about what he's up to, but didn't know where anyone else ended up.

An old roommate of mine had the original PC Engine disc along with Dracula X, and that's how I first ever tried it. It's almost like a completely different game in some ways.

It has the best last boss level.

Cho Aniki. Its a terrible series of bad horizontal space shooters and I believe one fighting game, and literally 95% of the game is someone's bodybuilder fetish come to life. Most of the bosses and player characters are buff, under-dressed men, and your heroes attack by shooting protein out of a hole in their heads.

I hated the thing and finished it for some reason. I still don't know why.

I remember Breakdown! At the time, it was pretty cool because it went out of its way to make the first person perspective more than just a floating gun hand. I can't honestly say if it holds up anymore though, I haven't played it in ages.

I pulled it off. I was a kid with nothing better to do.

It was really all about the swinging, which honestly is the only thing that really made Bionic Commando stand out on the NES in the first place other than Hitler's exploding head. They really nailed the feeling really well in the 2009 version.