Quarrelin' Hardy

I thought I was the only one who loved these games, despite everyone else saying they were shit.

Already backed it! Couldn't really get behind the MST3K reboot since I like precisely one of the new stars involved, but I'd love the see the vast majority of the cast I care about working together again. I hope it leads to more things together in the future.

There's a reason why Thor takes his shirt off in every movie.

They could just be aging the character down, like they are doing with everyone they've cast so far.

I will go to bat for Kameo. I think it's a highly underrated and unique twist on the Zelda formula.

This. I understand that games are getting bigger and bigger, and release schedules keep getting tighter, but holy crap, some of the bugs that occur at launch in many AAA games is still mindboggling.

If I win Twisted Metal, my wish to Calypso is no more blue shells in
Mario Kart. I would then get pummeled to death by blue shells in REAL LIFE.

I didn't know that was an actual bug! I noticed that when I was playing BroForce last night that occasionally I wouldn't move when I expected to. I would imagine they will have to patch that soon. Otherwise, I was having a lot of fun with it, since I had never played the PC version.

I agree, Super Mario Maker's physics feel like what I always thought Super Mario physics felt like, but actually don't. I would love a new full-on 2D Mario game with these controls, since Super Mario Maker's level design is only as good as the person making it.

Don't give up on Earthbound. Hopefully the charm will hit you later. The overall experience is very good.

I fully agree. I already had Super Mario World on my WiiU, but I barely played it, so I bought it again on my 3DS since I play that more often. It would have been nice if I would have got it for at the very least for a reduced amount.

Thank you to you to for being understanding. Like I said to TheSingingBrakeman, I tend to keep my mouth shut because this topic tends to get really wild and out of control real fast.

Thank you, I feel better. I'm so used to be jumped on for sharing my feelings on this topic so I tend to keep it quiet more often than not.

I hate being that guy, but here I go, I have to be that guy…

It really made me realize how different the physics are from Super Mario Maker real fast.

Now that the New 3DS supports Super Nintendo games on the Virtual Console, I've downloaded Super Mario World and plan to finally give it a revisit after all these years. I don't think I've seriously played it since the mid to late nineties.

Honestly? Not much of anything in Ghost Rider really screams "R-rated" to me. Sure, it's got monsters and demons in it, but I don't recall any of the Ghost Rider books I've ever read to be any more violent that any other book.

I love Takeshi Kitano, but I find Ghost in the Shell so incredibly dull. So conflicted!

Reminds me off the reboot/prequel of The Thing from a few years back. The exact same thing, but with a female lead (or in Ghostbusters case, leads) and CG. This trailer has shown nothing that doesn't make it look like cynical cash grab.

You heard wrong. If they don't release a movie within 10 years, the rights revert to Marvel Studios. I, for one, look forward to God finally showing up in Infinity War part 3.