Quarrelin' Hardy

I did forget fake Kane. I'm pretty sure the WWE did too a couple weeks after that storyline started.

Yeah, since Gallows has already had main roster runs under two separate characters, I doubt he needs developmental at all. He could probably be a good experienced hand to teach new talents in NXT.

I've read that, but I've also heard that the WWE wants to keep him in NXT at least for a little while so they can have some bankable stars, now that they're starting to tour.

They did the same with Sting. Acted like he was completely out of action for the entire time he was in TNA. Ric Flair got a lot of nasty glares from some other panelists on a preshow when he interrupted them to inform them that Sting was actively wrestling the whole time in TNA.

It's weird, the WWE goes out of their way to not acknowledge TNA in any way, shape, or form. They don't do that most other wrestling organizations. I'm not sure if they'd be interested at all. Seems silly not to, though, since they could get some decent footage of AJ Styles and Samoa Joe out of it.

I could of sworn I read somewhere that the reason they always do McMahon family drama/Authority nonsense is that the USA Network pressures the WWE for it, since Austin vs. McMahon did so well ratings wise for them in the past. I don't know how true that is, but either way, it's still getting boring.

I don't get his gimmick. If he's a lone wanderer, traveling from town to town, why does he keep coming back to Full Sail University all the time? Also, if he somehow ended up on the main roster, how would that make him any different from everyone else on the roster, who have to travel from town to town all the time

You can see the Ito influence in the Tokyo Game Show concept film for the game.

I would totally watch a show titled Gay Knight: Dragon Fister. Coming this fall to Starz.

I enjoy the show but I know a lot of people who know they're not going to see any major characters they particularly care about, so they don't watch it.

Ben Urich dies in the Daredevil show, sure, but the character was also race swapped for the show, since he's a white guy in the books. I'm not quite sure how that wrinkle fits into the treatment of black characters in Marvel shows.

It will be a Street Fighter V weekend for me. Amazon screwed up my release date delivery and my copy didn't show up until last night, so I haven't got to spend a ton of time playing it. While I really do feel like what they shipped on disc is about 1/3 of a game tops, it plays just fine and I really like the new

Season pass prices are getting ridiculous. My wife and I are both playing Fallout 4, and we've been putting off the pass for awhile now, but there is no way I'm paying $50 for it, so it looks like we'll be picking it up before the price goes up.

There's another character he created named "Wyre." I think Liefeld just names characters after things that happen to be laying around at the time.

I've starting digging into Yo-Kai Watch on the 3DS. I got it for Christmas as a gift and haven't really sat down and play it. I like it, it's kind of like Pokemon but with an active team of 3 on 3 battles rather than 1 on 1 fights. However, I find the overall presentation a lot better, and I like its laid-back, part

I think they actually put out a public statement that they were in no way related. Sucks to have a name similar to something bad, like how they had to ditch a ton of Archer merchant due to ISIS.

The Dreamcast was fighting game heaven in general.

Yes. It adds to the dramatic effect.

Probably sometimes blue because those were his new player-2 colors in Championship edition. I'm guessing the rest was because of lack of communication between art teams.

Unless you're a pro, parrying an attack is really hard in SF3. The timing is pretty strict, and you have to go against all ingrained "holding back to block" reflexes fighting games taught you to be good at it, since you had to press forward into the attack at the right time instead. To pull it off that many times