Quarrelin' Hardy

They distracted from the flat-top. They needed to go.

I always loved that weird, upside-down kick. The mechanics of it make no sense.

Best when said to Chun Li.

Sonny Chiba.

"The AI won’t be pulling off ridiculous maneuvers that you can’t replicate…"

Honestly, change is going to required on some level for any adaptation, but literally anything can be made into something worthwhile with the right creative choices behind it (case in point, the MCU and The Lego Movie). I think your last line is the most accurate here - they didn't get the basic concept of what made

With holographic musical acts actually being a real thing now (Gorillaz, Hatsune Miku, those weird Tupac and Michael Jackson holograms), I'm really surprised they didn't play off of that when making a Jem movie. I guess it was just cheaper to have people on youtube make 75% of the movie for you.

Even the advanced aliens/space gods change isn't that much of stretch.

I love Walk Hard for the Beatles segment alone.

There probably aren't any universal rules, I'm guessing it's most likely a case by case basis. In this case, they probably don't want to take on training someone with no experience with a medical issue they don't know the severity of.

They need to show Kevin Dunn the door too. Sounds like he's sabotaged a lot of things behind the scenes too (for example, Adam Rose).

Nakamura is basically wrestling's Japanese Michael Jackson, and it's every bit as awesome as that sounds.

Apparently they've been having conversations with both Lucha Underground and Chikara too. I guess you have to help cultivate some of the competition in order to poach better talent down the road.

Foley probably should have stopped a lot sooner than he did. I love the guy but he did way more harm to himself than necessary for too long.

I started watching Breaking Ground on the WWE Network, and I was surprised and impressed when I saw them make trainees wear padded helmets. Also, that they sent someone home for their own safety as soon as they learned she was dealing scoliosis and shouldn't be taking back bumps. What made it doubly impressive to me

I know indie guys need to do a lot to get noticed, but I have to admit as I've gotten older it's a lot harder seeing them bump their asses off/do hardcore death match stuff on the independent circuit.

Obviously, I cannot prove that one way or the other. Regardless, I'm glad the WWE made the decision to not let him return to the ring. I would rather Daniel Bryan be safe and live his life without CTE.

But doesn't the fact that they went out of their way to do special testing in his case to settle the issue back up the idea that they at least give some thought to their performers' well being?

It could be that they trust their own doctors more than his own. And it sounds like whatever test their own doctors did recently found enough of an issue that even Bryan himself gave in. And in that case, it really sounds like the WWE pressed for the smarter move.

I thought they were already announced. Sorry.