Quarrelin' Hardy

Nightmare on Elm St. has always been my favorite of the slasher genre, and I'm glad to see it get an entry in this article series. I would definitely say that Dream Warriors is my favorite of the series, because I really do feel like it finds a nice balance between horror and humor.

Netflix skips title-sequences now when watching multiple episodes in a row anyway, so I would definitely say most people watching Jessica Jones aren't watching the opening!

I love how he unwinds at the karaoke bar after every terrible act of violence he inflicts. It just made it all seem so commonplace and matter-of-fact for his character.

I LOVED this movie. I saw it on a dark, rainy morning when I home by myself for a day and was completely transfixed by it. I really appreciated its methodical, surreal feel. It felt like I was experiencing someone's neon-tinged nightmare. I'm not surprised it alienated audiences at all though.

I would add the Act of Killing to this list. I know it's not an American court case or anything so maybe that's not why it is included, but the fact that any of the monsters highlighted in that documentary are even alive, let alone being treated like heroes, is an injustice.

Please stop trying to sell this movie. It's not going to happen.

Punisher is a cloud confirmed, just like Galactus in Rise of the Silver Surfer!

I don't know, I find that lot of the Wii U titles expand upon the ideas of most of those 3DS equivalents to make overall better and more well rounded experiences, at least in my own personal opinion. Plus it has some really underrated platformers like Yoshi's Woolly World and action games like Bayonetta 2 and

Do you like Nintendo games? Honestly, Nintendo has put out some of their best work in years on it.

The WiiU has a really underrated exclusive catalog.

It was going for triple the retail price within a week according to confirmed eBay sales.

This reminds me that I need to get Yakuza 5. Or at least finish 4.

Here's the thing, though. Marvel Studios has done a pretty great job keeping the iconic look of their characters' on the page costumes whIle making adjustments where needed, pretty much proving that you don't really NEED to change it that much to make it work.

I think that's what they call a short rainstorm in August.


Yeah, at this point I watch NXT pretty often and only really keep up on RAW from recaps. NXT is the wrestling show I want to see.

Vince? Clueless about today's culture?!

I'm giggling at the thought of Roman Reigns spinning into a Wonder Woman costume right now.

What sucks about the boring chants is that the WWE will inevitably take that as indisputable proof that people don't want to see long matches with their talented women and will give up on it and go back to 2 minute nothing matches ASAP.

Honestly, I think Cumberbatch was the best possible choice for the role. I think he will define the character for a lot of people once this movie comes out, just like Downey Jr did with Iron Man.