Quarrelin' Hardy

Personally I think they completely nailed the look, and I'm super excited that they just went for it without toning it down. Nothing drives me more nuts than a superhero movie that turns the hero's costume into nothing but a jacket (I'm looking at you, X-Men movies).

They won't dare pull the trigger on Heel Cena. They think they'd lose too much in merchandise sales. Though honestly, a Heel Cena would probably still sell t-shirts, just to a different crowd.

Everyone else pales in comparison to Vince as the evil boss.

There was a raptor named Blue. Does that count?

The documentarians gave Kratz his chance. He blew it.

Nonsense. He won it fair and square!

Well, for one thing, it's pretty short, so you don't have to dedicate a lot of time to play it, save points come up pretty consistently, and since you can talk/act your way out of battles and the game encourages you to do so, dying doesn't happen too often, so it's pretty accessible.

Even though I loved the game overall, that really was the worst part of Arkham Knight, they overdid the driving. I actually liked using the Batmobile a lot in the downtime, but when it was shoehorned into missions it was pretty frustrating.

Bethesda games always sound like their cast is reading their lines out loud for the first time and nobody on the sound design team has ever heard of a second take.

No, I have not!

I remain unconvinced that Martin Shkreli is not a sketch comedy character played by Michael Ian Black.

There was that time that Owen Hart won his two Slammys. That was pretty fun.

I will say it since the review won't… if your biggest stars aren't going to be on the show on a regular basis, they should no longer be considered your biggest stars, and someone seriously needs to go back to the drawing board, or in this case, writers' room.

There's a rumor going around that Platinum may be working on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game next. I will gladly let Platinum remake all the 80's cartoons as kickass brawlers.

Nice to see Transformers Devastation on the list. Just recently got a copy of it, and it feels like what I thought the cartoon felt like when I was kid.

Agreed. X-2 is pretty underrated, honestly.

I'm actually having a hard time figuring out if I like Axiom Verge or not. I normally love Metroid style games, and this one is about as close as you can come without facing a lawsuit from Nintendo, but there just seems to be something a little off about it that I just can't place that's keeping me from going all in.

I need to revisit it. I loved the first but haven't had much time to play the second. I enjoyed what I played of it, and the soundtrack is amazing.

That gets brought up in later episodes.

My wife and were both feeling pretty sick yesterday so we blew through this series in one go (I missed the first couple episodes, unfortunately). This case is so incredibly questionable and it only gets worse in following episodes.