Quarrelin' Hardy

The new KojiPro logo is totally rad, and their company mission statement is pretty inspiring. I hope it works out for him, and I can't wait to see what he makes next.

It seems really strange to use the same bots to me too. New bots would have been the way to go, since everything else is changing too.

I'm guessing maybe they feel left out because they stopped doing CT only to have Joel bring the orginal IP back without them? Or it could be something as simple as a monetary deal they weren't happy with. Meanwhile, it seems like the Rifftrax team is perfectly happy doing their own thing together.

I wish Patton was the new host and not the villain sidekick.

Watch out for snakes.

Pod People. I love Pod People. Lazerblast is one of my favorites too.

But at this point, it pretty much sounds like it's a completely different show.

I agree. Everything about this show so far sounds so calculated and over-produced, which is the antithesis of why I like the original show in the first place.

Why don't they just make a new show then, rather than hinge on the MST3K name?

Apocalypse is a goofy looking villain anyway, with his A belt and elbow tubes and exaggerated lips. I think they did a halfway decent job making it work.

It is absolutely worth seeing, even for the incredibly absurd series of Christmas shorts before the train wreck of a movie alone.

I was disappointed by Eclipse because it was actually servicable as opposed to hilariously terrible.

I've missed a lot of really cool Fathom event screenings because of their limited marketing, so I know exactly what you mean. I feel like I purely luck into finding out about the ones I have been too.

I'm lucky because the theater showing it tonight in my area is literally less than 10 minutes down the road from my home.

Going to the Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny showing tonight! Looks like my wife and I are in for a distinctly special treat.

WWE actually had a where are they now article about him! He's a financial planner and has a family now, and is almost unrecognizable.

Last I heard Spike Dudley is working a normal job and has no interest on returning to wrestling.

I think that was Ike Perlmutter.

True, but they were very minor callbacks at best. I'm glad to see their going more substantial with it by bringing General Ross back.