Quarrelin' Hardy

I like the fact that by doing so, they're finally acknowledging that the standalone Hulk movie actually exists.

She's starring in American Horror Story now, isn't she?

My own theory why it didn't quite make as much as the last one - I've heard a lot of fans don't like the ending of the books, and the movie apparently sticks pretty close to the ending that some readers were already generally disappointed with. It seems to have received far lower reviews than normal because of it as

I honestly would rather let MST3K remain the brilliant show that it was, leave it alone, and not reboot it in the first place.

Same here. Nearly every announcement coming out of this thing is making me less interested.

The guy in the video is trying to, at least!

I get the hate for his layer movies, but Unbreakable is absolutely rock-solid (yeah, that's kinda lame punny, but it's true).

I like how her friend thinks she know what she liked better than her. That's supremely shitty.

I have never been driven to any kind of sexual act by eating Subway sandwiches ever. This guy's a creep and I'm glad he got the sentence he did.

The ad really did get him, Sharon.

I think it was more about how people seem to be willing to look the other way from things they would otherwise question once it benefits them, which is definitely a thing that happens. People in my home state of Massachusetts seemed pretty OK with militarized police when there was two bombers on the loose, for

Oh god, IGN. *shudder*

Dickfart indeed!

No, but being so incredibly forceful about it to the point of being alienating to everyone else IS lame. I have never been convinced of an opinion by being screamed at.

It's refreshing to a see a show that acknowledges that extremes on pretty much every major social issue end up being both sides of the same coin.

I knew Leslie was up to no good!

They have been doing that a lot lately, haven't they?

Obviously they were blown away by the sheer force of his awesomeness?

I really don't understand the Colter/Del Rio pairing either. I'm glad Del Rio's back, he's awesome, but this seems like one if the shittiest ways they could have done it.

The videogame Monster Party on the NES terrified me as a kid. The game itself wasn't the problem, it was the ending.