Quarrelin' Hardy

Halo Reloaded? Rise of the Halo? Halo Begins?

No, it was Korn that did the title song for it. I don't know if that is better or worse.

Yeah, the monsters at best looked like extras from a Slipknot music video. Downpour was the only Silent Hill game I ever gave up on.

It took me YEARS to build the courage to watch Audition. It's a great movie that I'm glad I finally saw but it still takes me some time to build up the courage to revisit it.

That was my reaction when I tried to watch Hostel with some friends. I couldn't do it. I would never even try to put myself through Cannibal Holocaust.

I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened yet.

It's true. The radioactive waste that made him lose his sight in his accident also mutated his body causing his other senses to get a massive boost. A lot of the earlier books actually go out of their way to remind you of that fact.

I need said it followed traditional logic, just its own!

She existed before Reality was hanged so I believe she's real in the logic of the show.

Especially #10.

I agree. I'm continously impressed at how fresh they are keeping the show this far along.

This season has been incredible. And it also really warmed my heart to see that Butters is keeping in touch with his Canadian girlfriend.

I don't think anyone should be shut down for their opinions. I don't have to agree with them. Neither do you. I do feel like no one wants to talk about contentious issues when it's easier to just dismiss each other as idiots. I don't think that's fair to anyone, regardless of where they land on the spectrum of public

I think there's a natural defensiveness that comes into play when someone from the outside peaks in and doesn't like what they see and is vocal about it.

You did an amazing job summing up exactly how I feel about this issue too. Thank you.

Well, she didn't threaten violence or to rape anyone and it still happened to her because her opinion didn't jive with teenagers on the internet on a side that should be above that kind of thing, not sinking to the same level as the worst of the GG creeps.

There's always a third option. Maybe the woman is just an asshole herself?

How else are they supposed to get that web traffic flowing? Controversy = hits!

Gaming journalism is pretty terrible, which is why Gamergate was so disappointing, because gaming journalism is terrible for different reasons than what they were fighting for. Indie devs having relationships with game journalists isn't the reason game writing is bad. Gaming journalists having parasitic relationships

I'm going to guess there were multiple threats, probably from opposing parties. SXSW is never going to release that information, so there's only assumptions to go on. So naturally, the leaning of the site's authors is going to indicate where they fall down on.