Quarrelin' Hardy

Except that at least one female artist I know got doxxed by anti-GamerGate people because she made fun of them on a personal blog and got let go from their job after they got deluged with messages about how dangerous of a person she was. These tactics are used by the supposed "right side" too. Also, being a combative

I have to say I agree. I think new characters that embody the ideals of different people are a better route to take than repurposing old established characters over and over again. Sure, you can put a new twist on an old character, but in the end you're still always going to be working off an established template.

There's so much noise about this whole issue that it's hard for anyone to have any nuance over it, so most people don't even try. It's easy to assume the people we don't like are the REAL problem and then dehumanize and mock them further rather than try to look into it and try to find out what really happened.

I'm really loving Yoshi's Woolly World. The damn thing is just too cute.

Hopefully this spells the end if the inexplicable surge of Steve Jobs movies. There's been 3 in the last year, hasn't there? That's at least 2 too many.

The impression I got is they were going after kids who really like youtube and banking on name recognition for their parents. It appears neither cared.

Not surprised Jem failed. Granted I'm not the target audience but I had no idea it was coming out until I saw an ad for it on the treadmill TV at the gym this past week. Plus it looked like a direct to DVD Walmart exclusive movie and nothing like the old show or new comics.

I really wish someone would do a romhack of this game to fix some of its more obvious design shortcomings. It would be perfectly playable if some of the more poorly implemented ideas were made functional.

Ok, Snake.

I haven't seen Riki Takeuchi in much recently. I'm excited to see this because of him along. He was always great at pulling off Takashi Miike's lunacy, and I think he could do the same for Sion Sono.

I guess I will just have to attend a screening in my own then.

The ending song made the episode for me too. I'm worried I'm going to catch myself singing it at work.

Nitpicking time - Sodosopa went under at the end of its episode because the Whole Foods moved into CtPaTown, and they showed Sodosopa in disrepair around Kenny's House at the end.

I like the fact that the Mad Max movies tell a new story every time, revealing more of its crazy world. They told Furiosa's story, and told it beautifully. I'm ok with this decision, and I look forward to whatever new story Max stumbles into next.

The article is showing the really nice European Symphony of the Night cover art and not the amateur hour photoshop cover of the US version referenced in the article. I wish we got that cover.

I still think the outcry about Tilda Swinton being the Ancient One in Doctor Strange is weird. Would Asian-American groups like this be really happier to see the stereotypical mystical Asian-of-vague origin from the orginal 60's books? I'm legitimately asking.

LOL That's four.

I love that the building of a wall immediately made Garrison angrily need to know what was on the other side. That's exactly how I'd expect most people to act.

As awesome as Metal Gear is, Super Mario Bros is 30 years old this month so I get it.

I honestly look at more simply. Kojima always tends to crib from whatever he's really into at the time and he's probably just into episodic TV right now and decided to imitate the episode structure for missions, complete with the credits.