Quarrelin' Hardy

But they do!

I so agree. I've seen her do her thing at Cinematic Titanic and she was really funny, but the character of Pearl pretty much single handedly keeps me from revisiting some of the later seasons. And I love Mike.

New Day are my new heroes. The trombone bit is so out of left field and I love it.

Whenever I see a jogger, I still think "what are you running from?" thanks to Wonder Showzen.

I liked Freddy vs. Jason. :(

I hope this scenario happens. I can live without the X-Men in the MCU, but no Surfer/Galactus/Doom/F4 in the MCU just seems completely wrong.

Wow. That's pretty harsh.

Some sources are now saying its tracking has dropped from $45-50 mil to a $25-$30 mil opening weekend now. That's atrocious for an expected franchise starter.

And here I thought the agent with the face-changing mask burnt to her face in season 2 of Agents of SHIELD was supposed to be Madam Masque this whole time. I feel silly now!

I certainly found it to be.

I'm pretty sure they were. That's why the 3D release got shitcanned. Don't have time to do a proper conversion when the movie's not done.

Seriously. If a filmmaker needs a non-comics reference to understand the appeal of Doom, just tell them to copy Darth Vader. Scarred guy in a robot suit, magic powers, large army of robot guards, with political power. It really shouldn't be that hard.

Erotic Violence Suikoden Mobile Mahjong, coming soon to an iPhone near you!

I'm incredibly interested in seeing the weekend totals. It's not unusual for a poorly reviewed movie to do really well anyway, but I'm seeing an intense hatred for this movie from even my more casual movie-going friends and acquaintances. Is there a Cinemascore audience rating for it yet?

Normally I would agree but in this case it provided some interesting insight regarding the situation with Trank. Sounds like the guy just couldn't handle the pressure and the movie fell apart.

Max Landis had an interesting Twitter rant early this morning about the situation since people kept bugging him about it. To sum it up, he basically said they got lucky with Chronicle in that they got to make the thing they wanted to make with very little studio interference, and that while he has had a few

Or it could just be really terrible and ill conceived in its own special way.

I actually don't really think the X-Men movies are that good personally. I would also like Marvel to be able to play with all of their own properties. That being said, I don't really mind the X-Men universe being it's own thing, and in the case of something like Deadpool, I don't think Disney would let an R-rated

There's never enough boob window.

There's a rumor going around the internet that this movie isn't even being released in China due to foreign film quotas, but I'm not sure how true that is.