Quarrelin' Hardy

Sounds like an infinitely more entertaining movie!

Because characters and motivations can be different?

Frankly, I don't want a superhero movie that doesn't involve fighting a villain. It'd be like a kung-fu movie without people punching and/or kicking.

I don't know, I don't buy that. I think plenty of movies manage to tell a story with a group of four characters or more. It really shouldn't be that hard to make a watchable movie out of it.

Maybe Max Landis is the reason Chronicle was good and Trank was just lucky to be attached to it?

Space Quest was my personal favorite adventure game series. It does not get enough love. I'm actually kind of confused why they keep trying to get King's Quest and Leisure Suit Larry reboots/sequels off the ground every few years while leaving Space Quest dormant.

I don't know, I was always able to figure out Space Quest pretty easily as a kid and never really got stuck too much, except for one part in Space Quest 2 I actually wrote to ask Sierra how the hell to get through. (They responded with a nice letter with some pretty cool stationary covered in their characters). King's

That's most likely because the tabletop games tend to be run by smaller groups of people or individuals (at least in my experience), rather than larger groups of people. The more people involved, the more likely it's going to blow up in everyone's faces. Also, video game developers tend to be really piss poor at

That sounds pretty tame by internet standards, honestly.

I'm kind of in the same boat. I gave up on comics sometime in the mid to late 90's, and it wasn't until Marvel Studios starting really distilling what I enjoyed about these characters in the movies that I started reading comics again.

I loved seeing them kinda mock city-block leveling destruction from nearly every summer-movie with Lang shrunken and being shot at in the architectural model.

There's a reason why Paul Bearer used to do most of the talking!

I loved that game. They got it right.

Whenever I hear or read someone talking about House, my mind immediately goes to bizarre '77 Japanese movie, not either the 80's horror flick or grumpy doctor show. And it never is about that, leaving me inevitably disappointed.

I got a mental image of Baron Corbin walking around like he had tank controls from Resident Evil thanks to your joke. I think it would be an improvement.

She translates really well to action figures, since she's already plastic.

I think he does ok for having half the brain that everyone else has.

I wonder who in the WWE sees something in Eva Marie, and why. They have so many more talented people on their roster that it confuses me greatly to see them spend as much time on her as they have.

Pretty much. the MCU didn't exist when it was pitched, and by the time they finally got around to making it, Marvel wanted to make it fit, and it sounds like Wright didn't want to deal with it.

Oh, what characters?