Quarrelin' Hardy

Good thing Final Fantasy 15 is coming, and that new World of Final Fantasy game was announced immediately before the Final Fantasy 7 remake!

Glad I could help make this a reality. I would have pledged more if the physical release wasn't for the PC version only.

I was lucky enough to get it for my birthday in 95, and fell in love it with. I played it over and over again for years, and it hits me every time. There's nothing like it, no matter how many games have tried to imitate it.

I don't know, I think you CAN make the case that Earthbound was the best game of 1995. People still look back at it with sincere joy 20 years later. I know I do.

His commentary was the best. I still love when he flipped out and completely cracked up when a bicycle was used as a weapon.

Baron Corbin looks like the dork who hasn't realized yet that wolf shirts don't make you look cool. I don't get it either.

I want the Nintendo Virtual Boy library on the 3DS Virtual Console, dammit! I want to play that Wario game.

I fully agree. They really got those characters wrong. Especially Dr. Doom. No one will ever do Doom justice, and it makes me sad.

It feels like Two-Face should have been the third movie, not the last half hour of the second. Good build, no where near enough pay off with the character.

It's the most Nolanist of the Nolan movies. And I mean that in the worst way possible.

He was perfect casting hampered by a bad script and a kinda bad rubber suit. Chris Evans too (minus the rubber suit).

I know I'm that nerdy friend for my wife. :(

Are they back? And if so, in what form?

They both represent the worst of their era.

Oh thank god. I remember seeing this movie when it first hit home video in high school and I absolutely hated it. I felt like each and every character was a phony stereotype, and that the whole movie was kind of talking down to me. I was absolutely bewildered by my friends' obsessive love over it.

I really hope Punisher is the main antagonist of season 2, which based on the logo Marvel's been pushing (the usual Daredevil logo full of bullet holes), he may very well be. I always prefer Punisher as a foil to other superheroes rather than as the star himself.

And from hearing Chris Rock talk about it, Carlin felt the same way before he died.

Honestly, when a person who's not known for being controversial at all thinks there is a problem, there probably is. Like when John Denver testified before congress to protest against the Parents Music Resource Center in the 80's.

Internet slang for "Social Justice Warrior," a term used to mock people preceived as being far too aggressive in their approach to social issues.

Hey man, James Woods' Hades is pretty great.