Quarrelin' Hardy

I'd hack her planet.

Poor Bull.

He failed because Kevin Dunn, WWE's long time producer, doesn't like him, and helped undercut his momentum on TV. Or at least that's the rumor.

Jason Statham's Grandma as Bullseye confirmed!

But that literally happens in the game!

Even as a kid I only saw The Wizard to see Super Mario Bros. 3. I remember being such a nerd that I got mad that the sound effects for a lot of the videogames people played in the movie either weren't accurate or synced properly with the video. I was one of those kids.

I remember seeing it when it first came out (I think I was 10 or 11) and instantly forgetting it after it was done. I had no idea it was apparently beloved.

My cousin had a Master System and it always felt like I was in some weird alternate video game universe whenever I played it. I wish I took it off their hands before they got rid of it.

I will use any excuse I can to say "Now that's a big door."

I watched Batteries Not Included and Explorers a million times over as a kid, but they never really seemed like they got any where near as huge as a lot of the kid friendly movies of that era.

Getting a health boost by getting laid in the hotel blew my mind as a kid. I didn't believe what I just saw.


Well, the Kree were in Guardians of the Galaxy…

Unfortunately the toy industry doesn't see it that way. They see no parents buying the woman character in the first run of the toyline for the boy market they're trying to corner and then make the assumption that it's because it was a toy of a female character. I had no problem finding and buying a Casey Jones with my

I dunno. There's a preexisting Quinn Jet set with Black Widow too from the prior Avengers line. So it's possible they just kept the sets with their original assigned figures when they did the photo shoot?

In all fairness, Lego reuses piece packs for a lot of their sets (I know this due to an a friend's dealings with Lego customer service over an incorrectly duplicated bag in one of the really expensive sets), and there's been two prior sets of Marvel Legos at least that come with Cap on that same motorcycle (I know

I'm surprised anyone is surprised by this. The toy industry has been doing this for decades. Their sales data tends to show that female figures sell worse in their boy-centric toy lines. It's the reason why it was years before I could ever find one of the original April O'Neil figures when I collected TMNT toys as a

Nanomachines will force the remaining Konami developers to make only mobile games and pachinko machines.

I loved this game, and I'll need to watch this. I remember renting it with a friend of mine (he owned a PSX, I didn't) and thinking we beat in the weekend. I remember enjoying it, but being a little disappointed that I was able to plow through it. I didn't know about the inverted castle until I saw it in an EGM or

You should still play Dracula X though. The remake is nicely done and you can unlock the original version!