Quarrelin' Hardy

Yeah, but the last one, Order of Ecclesia, came out 7 years ago. It's about time for a new one.

Fun hammy voice acting is A-OK in my book.

I actually enjoyed Homecoming, and the monster designs were actually a big part of that. It had a Human Centipede before that movie existed! I felt like I was getting attacked by a Juggalo's sketches in Downpour. Yeesh.

I should download Link's Awakening on the 3DS. I don't know about anyone else but that is probably my favorite Zelda game.

No kids here, sorry! You'll just have to deal with this immature adult instead. Mostly I've been playing Mortal Kombat X, and plan to do more of that this weekend. I enjoy it a lot, but I can't help but feel that Mortal Kombat 9 was a better overall package. Maybe that's because I'm a bit of weirdo when it comes to

So Conan played it like most people plan to play it?

It's weird, I actually enjoyed Arkham Origins more than Arkham City, but I avoided it for the longest time until it was on a PSN Flash sale for $8 for that very reason. I really liked the boss battles against Copperhead and Firefly, and that Batman actually does some detective work!

Schoolyard social commentary on the criminal justice system, of course!

I don't understand that argument about text adventures. My personal definition of a "video game" as always been very loose. Is it a game? Do you play it on a screen? Then it's a video game.

That last statement amused me greatly because my wife's favorite games are Tekken and Animal Crossing (also Minecraft).

That's literally the worst. I actually got a notification on PSN last night advising as such. I'm glad they didn't go all the way and automatically delete the thing from my hard drive.

Plus it made Scarlet Witch matter more, since it made her character's abilities have a profound effect on everyone.

You mean there was nuance to the situation and it wasn't just virtuous creator vs. evil suits? Surely you jest!

Honestly, it just sounds like the talk of a guy who was really tired after working on an enourmous movie for at least two years. I loved the movie, not surprised it was a pain in the ass to make.

My only concern is that the jumping off point, Man of Steel, was no where near as enjoyable as the first Iron Man. I worry about the tone of the upcoming movies more than the amount of characters.

I agree. I actually enjoy all the little side things that don't pay off until a movie or two down the line. I know they annoy a lot of people but I honestly think it makes the movies feel more like the source material.

Iron Man 2 gets a ton of hate, but I rewatched it not too long ago and still really enjoyed it. Sam Rockwell makes the movie for me. Also, it's the only movie where Tony Stark gets completely drunk, kinda sorta acknowleding the whole "Demon in the Bottle" story.

I studied art in college, I get what he's saying.

Supposedly he was moved to "independent contractor" status with the rest of his team, and his time is up once MGSV is out. I imagine he won't be sticking around after.

Poor Del Toro. This is now his second failed attempt to get a horror game off the ground. I hope Kojima leaves the mess that is Konami behind, starts his own company, and gets a similar project made.