Quarrelin' Hardy

Bullshit. Iron Man's armor in the movies is the Iron Man suit that's been around forever redesigned to work in a live action sense. These two didn't create the concept of how armor pieces together in practice.

No it doesn't. Seeing how Vince tends to book things, he'd probably team him with the New Day or something and think it was the most hilarious thing ever.

It seems weird to do a Daredevil show without either Elektra or Bullseye, but my guess is they wanted to hold them off to stave off any bad memories of the Ben Affleck movie perhaps? Maybe save them for a potential second season?

I want to see Turk as Stilt Man.

I only beat it when I was a kid because I taped down a button set to turbo on my NES Advantage controller and found a cheap spot to let it grind for me while I did something else. The game was more managable at max stats!

How do you feel about other mid-90's console RPGs? Just out of curiosity. I personally love Earthbound, but I can understand that some RPG's from that era and earlier can be hard to go back to, especially if you never played them when they first came out.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I own the N64 cart, the Gamecube rerelease disc that was a preorder bonus for the Wind Waker, and the new 3DS remake, and I still can't finish it. Yet I keep getting every new version of it that comes out. I've got the furthest through the 3DS version but then Majora's Mask came

Nice to see 13 Assassins take a spot! Miike knocked it out of the park with that one.

I know Sheamus is catching crap from the fans with the "You look stupid" chants, but frankly he looked far stupider with his old look. Now he looks like he was made in the Dragon Age character creator or something, and I'm ok with that.

Doesn't everyone, though?

Big E had an amazing mini-Twitter rant that perfectly personified what the New Day gimmick should be, and I'm interested to see that starting to spill over onto TV.

I voted for Bayonetta. Maybe they could work in her Nintendo costumes from Bayonetta 2 as alt colors?

I'm sure someone is going to be very offended by that decision and will tell you in depth on Twitter why they hate you.

I'm glad Comedy Central isn't caving and is defending him and his dumb jokes. I'm pretty disgusted by the trend of digging through someone's Twitter feed to desperately find something to be mad at. I guess some poeple have nothing better to do.

I kind of got the impression that after that video came out, Triple H was kind of like "Oh yeah, I TOTALLY meant to do that!"

That intro was hilariously dated looking, especially considering the general quality of the WWE's production team.

They like to set attendance records for Wrestlemania, and an outdoor show in a huge venue during the day on a Sunday probably had a better chance of doing that than an indoors venue in the evening.

It was a completely unexpected choice for Sting's entrance and really stood out on the show. I loved it.

Even though it's obviously a scripted TV show, it's inherently physical. ESPN also covers gymnastics, which is also choereographed and takes a lot of physical training to do. I'll give them a pass for covering it.

I hope you get to keep doing this.