Quarrelin' Hardy

It's so ridiculous. Obviously they noticed it pretty early and kept him board for exactly that reason!

I get what you're saying, but from all things considered it sounds like in the case of Tom Cruise he knows full well how terrible it is and takes full advantage of it.

An uncle of mine loves science fiction novels, but needed to clear out his collection. He had oversized editions of a full run of some L. Ron Hubbard series which I don't recall the name of, and he seemed pretty desperate to get rid of them, and equally sad that no one would take them.

I'm so looking forward to the Wrestlemania review. I don't think I'm willing to sit through it, and the only friend I know that actually subscribes to the WWE Network cancelled his subscription because of how bad the shows have been lately, so I won't be taking advantage of his account (I certainly don't plan on

Will future gray talk show up with a technovirus and get mad at everyone?

They get to experience the modern era of shitty video game movies first hand instead.

Don't feel bad. I had to look up half the details myself.

Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are supposed to be from the fictional Eastern European nation of Transia, which is supposed to be somewhere between Romania and Serbia.

I need to grab this. Hotline Miami is one of my favorite recent games, not because of any grand statement the plot is making, but simply because it's an absolute blast to play. It's like a strange cross between the Hitman series, Smash TV, and the PSOne game Loaded with an absolutely addicting soundtrack.

And for the love of all that is holy, please have the championship belts be the ultimate reason for everything. Nothing worse than a title that doesn't mean anything. The titles should mean that you're the best in your respective field and that with it comes boatloads of opportunity and everyone should be striving to

He should get his good friend Lex Luger in his corner for Wrestlemania.

I can't even imagine the crowd reaction if (when?) Roman Reigns wins.

Roman Reigns is best in tag team scenarios like in the Shield, when he could come in hot after a team mate takes a beating and he gets to come in and turn the tides with his big moves. He was great in that role! Giving him a singles run just exposed that he's not well rounded enough for the top spot.

That means that IS the way they will go with it.

Paul Heyman is the real world champion anyway. He's the one who actually goes to all the shows.

WWE's insistence on giving up on stars that get themselves over is completely mindboggling. I will never understand how they would not want to take advantage of and financially capitalize on something they didn't even need to go through the effort of writing themselves!

While I do agree both guys are getting old and should hang it up sooner rather than later, I would rather they have done this now, because if they wait we'll probably never see it at all, or it has a much higher chance of being much, much worse in a few years. I'm pretty sure they could have put together a match that

It's funny, since I never was a huge WCW fan, the arrival of Sting doesn't really do a whole lot for me. I feel like it's years too late for it to matter, and I don't buy that Sting has had some sort of decades long animosity for Triple H. I feel like it would make a lot more sense for him to go up against the

I had to look that up, I'm assuming you're talking about this introduction I found on youtube with a god damn animatronic RAPTOR in it? That's some serious next level stuff.

I wish I could watch it more often. I love the Rainmaker's entrance, with his face photoshopped onto yen bills, showered upon the crowd.