Quarrelin' Hardy

I agree so much. I typically wait a couple weeks between watching NXT because I don't like it being over so quickly. But with Raw, I watch mostly clips on youtube at this point.

It's amazing to me that NXT is only an hour long but has more matches and story progression than a 3 hour Raw.

Was that not last year? Or was that 2013? That was specifically the year I was referring to. The sarcastic Fandango'ing of the crowd was brilliant trolling on their part.

Last year's "night after Wrestlemania" Raw was easily one of my favorites. The crowd was especially rowdy.

I'm commenting simply to help keep the reviews coming! I like reading about wrestling on this site!

For months, I was incredibly confused if the Birdman movie was actually related to the Birdman cartoon or not. And I'm still not 100% convinced that it isn't somehow.

Since the next Spider-Man is a Marvel Studios/Sony co-production, does that mean J. Jonah Jameson still gets to chomp a cigar, or is that out entirely now?

I actually have to agree in this case. Nearly every CG movie, especially those from Dreamworks, follow the same "sarcastic smirk" attitude and facial expression. Rather than looking at the whole and seeing a general lack of creativity, we're picking out solely the female characters to fit it into a narrrative of

I don't know about anyone else, the more I heard that a horror film is "good horror film" in a mainstream/critical sense, the less I want to see it. I like silly/funny splatter films!

I blame Kevin Nash. I'm pretty sure he caused one of his career ending ones.

I always heard that Sting didn't want to join WWE for the longest time because he didn't approve of their shows and didn't think they would handle his character well. I think they're kind of proving that latter now that he's on the roster.

That's hilarious and 100% accurate. I'm glad he's improved tenfold from those days.

It also helped that he looked like Freddy Mercury with that mustache.

I agree 100%. Outside of the "plucky babyface" role he had when he first started on WWE TV, Cody has consistently been one of the highlights of the show, and you can tell he cares about what he does.

This article reminded me that Shadowman was a thing. I liked that Dreamcast game he had.

Poor Hawkeye. No respect.

I hated the Days of Future Past version of Quicksilver. This one actually wears clothes that kind of sort of look like his superhero costume. Plus with his sister in the movie, it seems like they'll get the character relationships right. DoFP Quicksilver was just a fast kid with a dumb throwaway joke about his dad and

I've always hated when the WWE gives wrestlers only one name. It feels like they didn't give their character any thought. It's especially confounding to me when they take half a wrestler's name away, like they did with Sheamus (O'Shaunessy), (Alexander) Rusev, and (Antonio) Cesaro.

I miss the days where wrestlers got to go all out and develop and show off their own personalities. We would never get a Macho Man Randy Savage in this day and age.

You're doing good work. Keep it up!