Quarrelin' Hardy

By the Hoary Hokum of Hoggoth!

I really liked Bray's promos too until I realized he says a whole lot without really saying anything at all, which made them vastly less interesting.

It's dumb, but I love it. Same thing with the airplane spin.

His series of matches with Sami Zayn in NXT were a godsend. He needs to be one of the faces of the company.

I honestly think Dolph Ziggler is a better son of Mr. Perfect than the actual son of Mr. Perfect.

What did Moolah do? I don't know and I'm legitimatey curious.

Head cheese.

I'm happy that Batista got out and is doing movies now, especially successful things like Guardian of the Galaxy. The WWE had no clue what his role should have been as a part-time WWE star, and their lack of focus hurt the show in the long run.

Skits can be good when they have a point, like you said with the Daniel Bryan/Kane anger management, since it was used to build character interaction. However, most of the time in WWE, they don't. They just kind of feel like the really bad skits that SNL cuts out of their reruns.

NXT is the only WWE show I actually watch at this point. The rest I only read recaps on most of the time, and even then that seems like a chore. I wish I got the new NJPW show. :(


As Zack Ryder can tell you, that's probably the worst sin you can commit in the WWE.

Will Tony Stark mount a comback against Ultron set to "Capitalism?"

James Gunn never said that he should win best picture, just that he knows plenty of people who care about what they're doing within both worlds of blockbuster film and indie cinema, and people who don't give a shit in both as well, and that the type of movie or genre of film you made shouldn't automatically define

Holy shit. I hope they keep this guy as far away from that Marvel Studios/Sony Pictures Spider-Man co-production as humanly possible.

News post-user name synergy? Maybe some people will finally get my roller derby name.


Wrong kind of explosions.

Fact of the matter is the vast majority of the creative/production team that runs Marvel Studios has nothing to do with those films you mentioned. Kevin Feige may have been involved as a producer in some level, but he didn't have creative control until Marvel Studios was formed in 2007 and was named president. It's

And to add to that, Kevin Fiege still has no input into films produced today outside of Marvel Studios (with the one exception being the upcoming Spider-Man per their agreement with Sony) so they really can't be held accountable for their quality.