Quarrelin' Hardy

I don't agree with that in the slightest. Marvel may have had their name on the movies because they own the properties, but they didn't have final control over the films. There's a massive divide in pre-Marvel Studios films and post Marvel Studios films and how much control they have over the final production.

If you didn't enjoy the Dark Knight, I can't imagine you'd enjoy Rises. I love Batman, and I just can't enjoy it in the slightest.

But Marvel Studios didn't make any of those films. Those were all film properties that were licensed to other studios before they started producing their own films. Columbia Pictures was responsible for the Ghost Rider films, FOX for all the Fantastic Four movies, and Blade Trinity was New Line Cinema. The Spirit has

I feel that all the Nolan Bat-movies work less and less the more you watch them. Dark Knight probably makes it out the best, and Dark Knight Rises falls apart the worst.

I know we're being sarcastic and all, but Marvel Studios wasn't responsible for the Daredevil & Electra movies, FOX was. And from what I can tell, people were pretty down on Man of Steel and the upcoming thrilling legal drama Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice doesn't seem to be getting a ton of positive buzz. So

The Academy doesn't approve of fun movies, so GotG was never going to get a nomination of best picture, even though it's was a solid movie on every level. It did get nominated for make-up and effects, which I sincerely hope it wins for.

That's so incredibly terrible. It makes me pretty happy I'm not actively following DC right now.

Why can't they both be Spider-Men and go by different superlatives?

I'm of the personal opinion that Mark Millar comes up with decent ideas and pretty much blows them, but give them to another, better writer and there's a lot of potential there.

It's true.

As much as I love Beavis and Butthead, the best animated series starting with a "B" should really be Batman - The Animated Series. It won 4 Emmy's, redefined Batman and many of his characters for a whole new generation better than the movies it was tied in with, had amazing animation and top notch voice acting, held

And I don't see them doing that. When they rebooted Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton, the relegated the origin to the opening credits and moved on. I don't see them forcing the origin again, and a lot of the rumors that have been floating around have been saying Marvel wasn't interested in going that route anyway.

Absolutely. Marvel's not stupid, and they plan on debuting him in one of their own movies first, and if it's Civil War like rumored, it pretty much guarantees they're skipping the origin.

Putting Peter back in high school doesn't mean they're doing the origin again. It just means he's back in high school. You can tell the story of Spider-Man in high school without retelling the origin. They've done it many times before.

I was already was comfortable with letting the space racist bite the dust, but when I witnessed her killing Wrex in a friend's playthrough I felt 100% confident I made the right choice. I'd rather hang out with a surly space turtle man than your standard issuer right-winger.

When only Snake and Otacon were in Metal Gear Solid 2, I assumed it was the cannon ending until MGS4 proved otherwise.

The puzzle game Catherine has some pretty ugly choices between levels, as they start getting very personal about your feelings regarding relationships as the game goes on. I was always worried my wife would see some of my choices and get very disappointed in me.

The Kenny vs Jane choice was super easy for me. I already spent a whole game with Kenny. I know he's kind of stupid and makes some bad decisions but he legitimately cared about Clem, even when he was going off the deep end in season 2. Jane just kind of shows up and never really proves that she actually gave a shit

Just like #notallmen, I would have never heard of #likeaboy if it wasn't for people on twitter complaining about it, thus keeping it alive much longer than it would have been.

It had great music and once you earned some extra moves the combat system was really fun. The level design left a lot to be desired though. Lots of empty hallways.