Quarrelin' Hardy

People say they want different, but when they get it, it gets derided. I can't think of too many games with characters as unique as Drakengard. Oh well.

I think the lack of comments is due to the fact that the interest in this game plummeted once people realized what a broken mess it is. I know I stopped playing it, and I love Halo.

I'll second your love of Kirby Triple Deluxe. It's probably the best Kirby game since Kirby's Adventure and it used the 3D functionality of the 3DS in a lot of fun ways.

I agree. I was very underwhelmed with Walking Dead seaon 2 with the exception of the final episode, which seemed to wrap things up nicely.

I've been playing my Wii U more than either my PS4 or Xbone lately, thanks to a string of awesome titles. The amount of playtime I've gotten out of Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, and Mario Kart 8 has been ridiculous, and I hope to get my hands of Hyrule Warriors soon enough.

The entire soundtrack to Smash Bros for WiiU & 3DS. Literally hundreds of quality remixes and new takes of classic Nintendo songs done in every style imaginable. Probably my favorite is the ska remix of Kapp'n's Song. Or one of the many Mega Man Remixes. There's just too many to chose from.

This is a better list than the actual Best Of list.

Sweet, here's my list! There's still a ton of things I want to see but haven't, but of the things I did see, my Top 5 would be the following:

For the life of me, I'll never understand why you can't just read the grimoire cards within a sub-menu in the game. It's not like it's a huge memory constraint or anything.

I've never, ever beat the second quest. More power to you.

I'm a game collector and I like Nintendo stuff. That's all I really need.

If I get any time this weekend, I plan on playing more Shadow of Mordor. I never had any intention of picking it up myself as I'm pretty tired of the Assassin's Creed formula of gameplay, but received it as a birthday gift and gave it a try. Now I'm obsessed with it. I've barely even dented the mainline story as I've

I will never be satisfied until I have me a Mega Man.

I bought 3 and I love myself. Maybe too much.

I have yet to see a Villager or Marth Amiibo anywhere, and I didn't buy the Wii Fit Trainer the time I saw one lonely one of the shelf when I bought a Samus figure, thinking that no one would buy the Wii Fit Trainer and I'd just grab her later. I have been proven wrong and I'm still kicking myself.

I agree, I never liked the whole "kill and skin animals to get new toys/points" trend in games lately. Why can't I just buy a new holster, Far Cry 3? Why do you have to make me kill tigers for it?
It made sense in Metal Gear Solid 3 because you would go hungry and die if you didn't, but no other game I've played seems

The thing that bothers me with online play with most fighters is that the competition is a little more casual when you just play player matches online, but you never earn anything for it. Meanwhile, to actually earn any online achievements or points or anything, you have to play ranked matches against people who take

I was playing Bayonetta 2, but since I just wrapped up the main story mode this past weekend, I've been spending some quality time with my 3DS. I've been working in a couple Smash matches to hold me over until I can grab a copy of the WiiU version, been revisiting Kirby: Tribe Deluxe, which is easily one of the most

Usually if you lose to the character, you can just win another fight and get another shot at it. It's pretty generous with that.

Ness I get since Earthbound wasn't readily available for a long time but Pit? He just had a major 3DS game not that long ago! No excuses!