Quarrelin' Hardy

Wait a minute, wasn't part of the point of it that the White Savior narrative is full of shit?

Takashi Miike's Dead or Alive. The majority of the film, outside of a highly kinetic intro sequence, is a pretty run of the mill Yakuza film. That is, until the very end of the movie, when the climactic battle between the two feuding leads ends with a world-ending fireball yanked from one's chest. I'll never forget it

I'm sure this has been said a million times, but the Cosby Show and Fat Albert were such a hugely influencial force on me as a child that to learn that one of my heroes growing up is most likely a horrible predator is heartbreaking.

Just like in one of my Japanese animes…

Usually when a horror movie gets good reviews, I'm actually pretty weary of it.

I kind of wish they made that Batgirl show.

Watch out for snakes.

All starring Paul Reubens as Bat-Mite. It was pretty incredible.

Or, it could just comic book magic? Not everything needs a bullshit explanation.

I honestly know my tastes enough at this point too that I rarely base a purchase on review scores anymore as well. I keep up with the news to get an idea what I'd like and it usually works out for me.

Regardless of its quality, it sold like crazy. To be denied bonuses and royalties from your successful product is bullshit.

For the life of me I'll never understand people getting upset about the sex lives of people they don't know.

Hey now, Bethesda used to deny bonuses to developers based on Metacritic scores. The most infamous example was Fallout: New Vegas. It recieved a 84 average on Metacritic and Bethesda would only provide bonuses if the game scored an 85 or higher average. I think the people who spent long hours pushing out a successful

Hey now, we can rationally and thoughtfully think there's a high chance of it not being any good too!

I would love to believe that but the relationship between Marvel Studios and Fox is so bad I simply don't see that happening. Fox already has a release date for the sequel lined up and I honestly think they'd do whatever it takes to keep the film rights as long as possible. They did it before with the Corman business


I'm sorry, Blue Eyes.

I was thinking the same thing. Leaked photos from the shoot definitely show him with a mask on - I'm assuming they'll make it the symbol of his inevitable hacktivist group, which gets fused to his face in whatever accident also makes him look like a mummy or a humanoid trash bag.

As far as I'm concerned, Dr. Doom is Marvel's best villain and it's really sad to see him be treated like this. He's a character I would so love to see done well.

Probably use Adam Warlock rather than Silver Surfer, and drop the other FF characters entirely.